【禁聞】人大代表聯署 收回稅收立法權










趙士林:「所以說收回徵稅的立法權,這是人大立法權落實非常重要的舉措。那麼這背後有很多利益集團要博弈,這個博弈過程非常激烈。首先,中國的所有改革,最大的阻力都在於權貴利益集團,講通俗一點,就是貪官污吏了。他們是一個一個家族形成一個一個利益集團,所有改革舉措,他們都在背後杯葛,因為傷害到他們利益。 」





採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

NPC Delegates Call for Restoring NPS’s Legislative Power

Currently, most of mainland China’s tax regulations
are administered by the State Council.
The National People’s Congress (NPC) has been shorn
of the legislative power of taxation for a long time.
On March 8, a Shandong NPC delegate Zhao Dongling
submitted a bill on the issue.
Zhao suggested the NPC to retrieve its legislative and
statutory interpretative authority by the end of 2013.
This act has drawn wide attention in a short period of time.
Over 30 delegates have jointly signed the bill.
They state, retrieving the legislative power of taxation
is citizens’ endeavor to get back NPC’s legislative powers.

Currently, among China’s 18 tax categories, only personal
income tax, corporate income tax and vehicle and vessel tax are legally authorized by the NPC.
All the other taxes are legally authorized by temporary
regulations and rules, in other words by administrative provisions of the State Council.

Now, NPC delegates from Shandong jointly prepared a bill
suggesting the NPC retrieves its legislative and statutory interpretative authority over taxation by the end of 2013.
These powers had been “temporarily” granted
to the State Council previously.
So far 31 NPC delegates have signed the bill.

Back in 2009, during the “Two Meetings,”
similar bill was proposed by two Chinese scholars.
Jiang Hong, professor at Shanghai University of Finance
and Economics, and Li Weiguang, chief finance professor at Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,
submitted a bill titled,
“Reinstate the legislative power of taxation to the NPC.”
Jiang Hong said in 2013 that the return of legislative
authority should be brought on the drawing board.

Jiang added that if initially NPC granted the power to other
institutions due to the economic reform, there should be time and scope limits over this authorization.
Now all the taxation issues are administered
by the State Council without any time’ or scope limit.
It looks like the NPC has
permanently abandoned its power.

Zhao Shilin, professor at China’s Minzu University, remarked,
Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) political framework and power distribution are simply determined by its top leader.
The NPC does not have any real power.

However, returning the power to the NPC through taxation
system can be an important opportunity to push forward a reform of the political regime.
This may help the NPC get real legislative power
over taxation and other fields.

The vice director of the NPC’s Legislative Affairs Commission
Xin Chunying responded to that.
Xin said, “This issue will be handled at a more proper time.
Now there is no schedule or roadmap regarding this plan.”
Zhao Shilin remarked that this response reflects
the fights of different groups on this issue.
There are still obstacles against returning
the legislative power to the NPC.

Zhao Shilin, professor at China’s Minzu University:
”The obstacles first come from all the interest groups as most legislative powers have been transferred.
Where did they go? The answer is,
all the influential officials are behind the government.
These people share the huge benefits
from the tax revenues.
If the NPC becomes a real supreme, objective,
and independent legislative institution,
and reinstates its legislative power of taxation,
the milking of Chinese people will be blocked for them.
Therefore the bill has extraordinary significance
from this point of view.”

Zhao said, tax revenue is a nation’s lifeblood. Without this
lifeblood’ legislative power how can NPC have an authority of a supreme legislative institution?
The fact is, its authority has been taken away,
Zhao adds.

Zhao Shilin: ”Reinstating the legislative power of taxation
is a key step toward realizing the NPC’s authority for real.
Many interest groups are fighting in this scenario,
and it is a very intensive game.
To start with, the biggest obstacle of any reform in China
lies in the interest groups led by influential officials, or more directly, the corrupt officials.
Each of their families forms an interest group.
These groups secretly disturb all kinds of reforms because otherwise their interests will be harmed.”

Prof. Zhao believes Zhao Dongling’ bill exposes the problem
of NPC being deprived of its legislative power.

Zhao Shilin: ”The NPC will never be granted any real power
under CCP’s political regime.
Wu Bangguo once presented the principle
of the “Five Don’ts.”
His main point is simply to have a “more supreme” power
to command everything, including the NPC and the Political Consultative Conference.
Therefore the CCP’s “Two Meetings” cannot be put on a par
with the Parliament or Congress in western countries.
They are political forms only appearing under
“the Socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
After all, this is about a political reform.

For the NPC to have real authoritative power, some
breakthrough has to be made in the political reform first.”

Zhao Dongling told the media, her bill simply brings forward
the issue of “procedural justice” and has no opposition to any tax regulation.

At a delegation meeting of Guangxi Province on March 9,
Li Lianning, NPC’s Standing Committee vice-secretary, supported the new bill proposal.
Li said, the time is ripe for the NPC to take back
its legislative power of taxation.
He suggested that any new tax should be legislated
by the NPC in the future.
