【禁聞】新聞界六四挨整 總編卸任宴道歉





前《中國青年報》資深編輯 李大同:「1.57每個正直的人都會這樣。你每個正直的人都會這樣。官員你在89(年)的時候就不得不做某些事情。實際上他是不想做的。退休的時候他表達歉意。」











採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

First CCP Newspaper Chief Editor to Apologizes for Actions in “6.4 Pro-Democracy Movement”.

Media reported that Beijing media professionals recently
disclosed that Xu Zhuqing made a first public apology to
reporters and editors who were punished for involvement
in the “June 4th pro-democracy movement” of 1989.
In 1989, Xu was then-chief editor of China Youth Daily,
a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The report reviewed that the apology
gave a perfect end to Xu’s political career.

Boxun.com quoted informed sources, saying that
on his retirement farewell in 2004, Xu Zhuqing openly
apologized to his colleagues who had been punished for
participating in the June 4th pro-democracy movement.

The report said that as a vice-ministerial level CCP cadre,
Xu Zhuqing is the first chief-editor of a CCP central
newspaper who has made such a pubic apology.

Li Datong, former senior editor of the China
Youth Daily, says that in 1989, many CCP officials did not act of their own free will.

Li Datong: “Every person of integrity has such feelings.

In 1989, those officials had to do something,
but in fact, that was not their own free will.
So he apologized for this when he retired.”

During the 1989 pro-democracy movement, China
Youth Daily published on the front page a large photo
of its journalists and editors walking in the march.

The report said that in facing the slander of “4-26 Editorial,"

the newspaper’s journalists and editors and Beijing’s
media professionals jointly released an open letter.
This was entitled, “An Open Letter to the Central
Committee by Beijing’s over 2,000 Journalists & Editors.”
They requested “truth-telling news reports, democratic
reforms, and affirmation of students’ patriotic enthusiasm.”

Beijing press circles’ participation of the 6.4. student
movement enlarged it into a “pro-democracy movement”.
Afterwards, China’s democratic parties
and people from all walks of life joined in.

Hu Qili, then-member of the CCP Politburo
Standing Committee, held a talk with China Youth Daily reporters and editors.
Hu Qili conveyed Zhao Ziyang’s speech
on “some opening-up in the press”.
At that time, a “short spring" befell on China’s media world.

Freezing Point magazine is China Youth Daily’s ace program.

Its then-editor chief Li Datong
wrote and submitted that open letter.

Li Datong: “Three days later after I had handed
it in, Hu Qili went to the newspaper office.
We talked for three or four hours,
and communicated very well.
But when the nest is overturned, no egg stays unbroken.

Hu Qili was later ousted from
the Politburo Standing Committee.
Let alone considering the fate
of these journalists and editors.”

The CCP’s tanks and guns suppressed
the 1989 pro-democracy movement.
China’s media world underwent a great
purging, with China Youth Daily no exception.
Li Datong was dismissed, and some reporters
and editors were forced to leave the newspaper.

According to Taiwan’s United Daily News (UDN)
report dated May 10 1989, 1,031 journalists and editors in Beijing addressed a petition.
It asked for a “dialogue” with the CCP propaganda chief.

Students from Peking University and Beijing Normal
University chanted slogans on site to give support.
Lots of Chinese and foreign journalists conducted
on-site interviews, which was the largest campaign for “freedom of the press” since 1949.

The UDN reported that Li Datong read the open letter
in public, and disclosed the motive behind the petition.
It was because in that period of time, a series
of sensational events occurred in China’s press circles.
However, Beijing journalists did not
give full and impartial coverage.
With introspection, they found out the
reason was due to the existing system.
Therefore, they asked for a dialogue with the CCP
propaganda chief to contribute to improve the system.

Reportedly, at the news conference for the
open letter, a journalist said that the petition was based on conscience in media.
They were often asked why China’s media
always shorted out for every major event ?
In particular, in the 6.4 movement, students
sought support from foreign journalists, which really made China’s media feel embarrassed.
Being driven beyond forbearance, they urged dialogue
with the Party’s Central Committee, said the journalist.

According to the Boxun.com news report, sources said
that when retired in 2004, Xu Zhuqing predicted a future vindication of the 6.4 pro-democracy movement.
