【禁聞】稱薄熙來將受審 陸媒報導遭急刪

【新唐人2013年07月25日訊】薄熙來將受審 陸媒報導遭急刪


星期三(7月24號),有中共背景的香港《大公報》,在網站上刊登題為《薄熙來被控三宗罪 將於濟南審判》的新聞,並在當天出版的報紙上,以頭版整版的形式作了專題報導。







23號,這些請願者全部轉移到了銀監會廣場,他們打出寫有「我們要生存 我們要吃飯 銀行非法買斷」等內容的標語,並齊聲高呼口號、唱歌。當局派出數十警察和大量便衣到現場戒備。銀監會後來對請願者表示,他們可以到中國工商銀行總行領表登記。


廣西賀州警民衝突 裝甲車出動





Mainland Media Delete News Of Bo Xilai’s Trial

The news of Bo Xilai’s trial, the former Party
Secretary of Chongqing, recently heated up again.
After foreign media reported various rumors of
the impending trial,
on July 24, Mainland Chinese media also reported
Bo’s case would be in Jinan, Shandong Province.
On July 24, Ta Kung Bao, a Hong Kong news agency with a
Chinese Communist background, published news on the web
“Bo Xilai charged with three crimes and the trial will be held
in Jinan". This made front page news on a special print edition.
Subsequently, Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Bao, Mainland’s Caixin,
Financial Network, Beijing News and other media have also
reported the trial details of Bo’s case.
However, a few hours later, all relevant online reports and
discussions were deleted.
Major microbloggings also blocked “Bo" as sensitive word.

Search attempts found the following message:"According to
laws and regulations, search results will not be displayed."
Many question the purpose of this blocking of information.

One netizen thinks that it was due to a high level collapse,
unable to reach an agreement.
Others believe that the move was a deliberate
release of news to test public reactions.

Thousands Of Redundant Bank Staff Petition In Beijing

More than 2,000 laid-off workers from
China’s four major banks
(ICBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Agricultural
Bank of China) collectively petitioned in Beijing.
On July 4, their third petitioning day, officials sent a large
number of police and plainclothes officers with at least a
dozen vehicles who forcefully put petitioners into
a specialized detention center, the black jail.
According to Mainland’s “Livelihood Watch" website,
on July 22, about 2,000 laid-off workers from
China’s four major banks asked for re-instatement
at Beijing Administration bureau of petitions.
They persisted for one day to no avail.

On July 23, petitioners moved to China
Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) with signs
saying “We want to survive we have to buy food".

Dozens of plainclothes police were dispatched to the scene.

Petitioners were told to go to China Industrial and
Commercial Bank (CICB) to get registration forms.
On July 24, no one met the petitioners at CICB.

They shouted"down with corruption, and Jiang Jianqing,
president of CICB."
Around 10:00 a.m. police began to clear the scene, a large
number of petitioners were forcibly taken away.

Clashes Between Police And Civilians In Hezhou

On July 23, thousands of villagers protested
in front of the town government.
Clashes took place and police vehicles were smashed.

According to overseas “Chinese Jasmine Revolution"
Web site, when local government completely lost control,
the provincial government dispatched thousands of
armed police and armored vehicles to suppress.
Many villagers were injured and arrested.

All relevant messages were blocked by the authorities,
and online information has all been removed.
