良典:两会双簧  天谴昼昏  

两会双簧  天谴昼昏



马列狼奶灌脑肠 九十九年华夏殇

放心奶粉喝不上 尔等犹把双簧

邪说惑人一年年 活摘器官不汗颜

惑人终被天道惑 疫情扑朔躲不过

世事杂乱已成麻 香港又推国安法

贼性难改终是贼 不惧粉身万古骂

一丝醒悟通天索 天谴昼昏下两会



The wrath from Heaven to Chinese Communist Party

Instructed by the spiritual toxin of Communism,

China has been in grief for 99 years.

By now we can not even drink the assuring milk.

However, you communists still have the two sessions like a two-man

act going on.

Utilizing the heresy to deceive us Chinese year after year,

you don’t feel guilty of harvesting organs.

Heaven is befuddling CCP following what you have been doing to us Chinese.

The coronavirus with the confusing situation will not neglect all of you.

With all the matters in this world having become a mess,

CCP begins to enforce a vicious law to undermine HongKong again.

It is can be considered that the nature of an evil man is incorrigible,

without fearing of both your bones to be crushed and the eternal infamy.

A string of repentance might become a rope leading to Heaven.

The wrath of Heaven befell right at the beginning of the two

sessions manipulated by CCP,changing the fine day into a inky night

with a violent tempest all of a sudden.

A string of hesitation will make you fall into the hell.

And don’t forget King Zhou’s Happy Terrace had already become mounds of dirt.

