【禁聞】拜登訪華 中美關係面臨轉捩點

【新唐人2013年12月05日訊】美國副總統拜登(Joe Biden)4號抵達北京,進行為期兩天的訪問。據白宮發言人表示,拜登將直接要求中共領導人,撤銷日前劃設的「東海防空識別區」。有媒體認為,拜登在東海問題劍拔弩張的時刻訪華,有助於改善中美關係,但如果硬要華府在美、日盟國關係與美、中關係之間作出選擇,結果只會令中共當局失望。也有媒體指出,由於美國想重返亞太,又和中共有巨大政治和經濟利益關係,拜登此行將致力於安撫日本,並穩住中共。














採訪/易如 編輯/陳潔 後製/陳建銘

Biden Visits China Amid Air Zone Tensions

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Beijing
on December 4 for a two-day visit.
White House spokesperson says that Biden will directly
request Chinese leaders to withdraw the “East China Sea
Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)".

Some media outlets say that Biden’s visit to China at this
time will help ease tensions between the two countries.
However, if Washington is forced to choose between
Japan and China, the result can be only disappointing
to the Chinese regime.

Other media outlets say that the U.S. wants to return
to Asia-Pacific, as they have huge political and economic
interests in China, and Biden’s visit is to placate Japan
and settle China.

On Dec. 4, Biden arrived in Beijing.
The East Sea ADIZ was expected to be
a major topic during Biden’s China trip.

According to Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, Biden met with
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Dec. 3.
Biden said after the meeting that the U.S. strongly opposed
China’s implementation of ADIZ.
The CCP’s recent move has raised tension in the area
and increased the risk of an accident and misjudgment.
Biden said that he would raised the issue of ADIZ
and show the U.S.’s attitude.

On Dec. 2, White House spokesman Jay Carney said that
Biden would tell Chinese leaders to their faces that
the U.S. doesn’t recognize the legality of China’s ADIZ
and “urges China not to implement" it.

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer, believes
that China won’t withdraw the ADIZ.

Hua Po: “For example, the military aircraft of the U.S.,
Japan and South Korea are used more for monitoring the area.
They try not to fire their guns,
to not let such an incident occur.
China’s problem is domestically not externally, and I will say
that it is not wise for China to clash with the U.S. and Japan."

Sources say that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
announced on November 23 that the ADIZ over the Diaoyu
Islands aroused immediate dissatisfaction from the U.S.,
Japan, South Korea and other countries.
The fact that U.S. B-52 Bombers, South Korean military
aircraft and Japanese Self-Defense Forces ignored China’s
requests, repeatedly entered ADIZ without notice, and openly
protest, suddenly turns the CCP into an international joke.

Regarding Biden’s visit to China at this critical moment,
Apple Daily said that the high-level CCP will certainly not
lose the chance to use the U.S. to restrain Japan, to strengthen
cooperation with the U.S., and ease East Sea tensions.
Thus Biden’s trip is likely the turning point
for the East Sea dispute and Sino-U.S. relations.

The report said that actually, Beijing’s most unhappy issue
is not the U.S. B-52 bomber entering the ADIZ,
it was an incident in June when Xi Jinping visited
the Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands in the U.S.
When Xi told Obama about China’s stance regarding
the Diaoyu Islands issue, their conversation was interrupted.
Since then, China repeatedly requested the U.S.
to stand neutral, however, the U.S. didn’t respond.

The report also points out that if the U.S. must make choice
between Japan and China, the result will likely disappoint Beijing.

Wu Fan, chief editor of U.S.-based Chinese magazine
China Affairs: “Biden wasn’t talking sharply in Japan.
He was placating Japan.
Thus minds of Japanese leaders didn’t settle.
‘What side is the U.S. playing?’ they wondered.
The U.S. wants to return to Asia-Pacific,
it needs to balance the relations for China and Japan,
to balance relations between China and the U.S.,
and to balance relations between Japan and the U.S.
This is one of Biden’s main purposes of visiting Beijing.
I think neither side want to fight, as both sides
have many mutual interests."

Hong Kong’s Yazhou Zhoukan magazine cited sources that
said the CCP’s announcement of ADIZ has a deep hidden

The CCP is no longer just focused on the Diaoyu Islands,
nor on oil fields in middle line of the East Sea,
but on the Miyako Strait, the first chain of Island waterways
for China to access into deep Ocean.

Wu Fan: “ADIZ has two purposes.
First is targeting the Diaoyu Islands.
It wants to possess the islands and attempted to negotiate
but was rejected by Japan.
Second they want to break through the first chain of islands
that are surrounded by the US and Japan.
Thus the ADIZ is 100 kilometers from Okinawa,
at Miyakojima island, that is CCP’s long-term target."

Apply Daily said that the CCP’s launch of ADIZ
is the National Security Commission’s (NSC) first move
since its establishment during the Third Plenum.

It not only tests the cooperation of the military, diplomatic,
propaganda and other sectors, but proves the importance
of setting up the NSC.

It can also have the effect of easing internal criticism
towards Xi Jinping’s centralization.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ChenJianming
