【禁聞】薄案庭審記錄大改 當局讓步薄拚命








此外,網絡還熱議,檢方忽略或有意忽略了一個重大線索,那就是英國商人海伍德向薄瓜瓜索要一筆1400萬英鎊的中介費, 這與法國尼斯別墅的佣金相差太遠,一般中介費不會超過項目利潤的10%。









採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Bo Xilai Court Transcript Amended: Is Bo Xilai Blackmailing Xi Jinping

The five-day trial of Bo Xilai closed on August 26.

However, questions over the censorship and amendment
of court transcript continue to be raised. Let’s take a look.

On the fifth day of the trial, Jinan court
released its first transcript that morning.
A few minutes later, the transcript was deleted.

It was deleted at least twice and re-posted
twice within the following tens minutes.
People noticed that the amended
transcript had deleted the sentence;
“a superior issued six orders to Bo on
how to deal with the Wang Lijun incident.”

Prior to this, netizens also found that
Jinan court transcripts were amended.
For example, the published transcript states
that Bo says: “Previously, I had an affair.”
The court attendees exposed that Bo’s original words were:

“Previously, Gu (Kailai) suspected I had an
affair.” The words “Gu suspected” were deleted.

In transcript, Bo said that Gu Kailai is insane.

Bo said that Gu described that when she killed
British businessman Neil Heywood, she felt
heroic, as when Jing Ke killed Emperor Qin.
However, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post
English edition reported that these two statements
came straight from an investigation officer’s mouth.

On August 25, Bo defended himself
in court against Wang Lijun:
“Defection had a bad affect. Yesterday, he
(Wang) denied that it was defection, but
normal diplomatic affairs, with paper work.”
In the previous transcript of Wang Lijun’s testimony, he didn’t
mention that he fled to the US consulate via official channels.

Outsiders said that this indicates that published
transcripts were censored and were edited.
The authorities selectively published them.

Li Tianxiao, current affairs commentator:
“This is common practice under the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) to treat the civilians.
Bo is an extract of the evil system, and
familiar with the CCP’s internal methods.
He took the advantage of the loopholes in the law,
defending himself, in order to wipe away his crimes.”

In addition, netizens also discussed that the court
ignored or perhaps deliberately ignored important clues.
Neil Heywood demanded £14 Million ($27.9 Million)
of commission from Bo Xilai’s son, Bo Guagua.
This is very different from the commission of a French villa.

Normally, the commission won’t
exceed 10% interests of a project.

Thus the Bo family are likely to have gained more
than £140 million ($279 million) from one project.
This is equivalent to Billions of Reminbi.

Li Tianxiao believes that commission fees, rental fees or
management fees shouldn’t be more than the villas’ value.
Nevertheless, how is the figure calculated?

What is the reason that Heywood demanded
that Gu to pay this amount of money?

Li Tianxiao: “If we connect their circumstances
at that time, Gu and Bo Xilai used Heywood
to participate in live organ harvesting.
This includes harvesting large amount
of organs from Falun Gong practitioners.
Then, they sell organs to foreign people for profit,

and the corpses were sold to a Dalian factory for
dissection, and plastination for body exhibitions.
They earned the money from these two channels.”

There is increasing evidence of the CCP participating
in live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Once these crimes were exposed, the CCP will collapse.

Li Tianxiao: “Bo Xilai has used this point against them,
as the CCP is unwilling to investigate into this area.
As the CCP fears that these crimes
have involved the entire CCP system.
Bo may think that he didn’t commit the crimes himself,
and that Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin jointly did it.
The CCP does not dare touch
Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.
Bo can bargain to face charges tackling small issues.”

In Bo Xilai’s final statement he said, “I hope to reserve
my party membership, and maintain my political life.”

Li Tianxiao: “The final trial has greatly
challenged Xi Jinping and his government.”

Li Tianxiao stressed that Bo’s severe crimes are the
participation of live organ harvesting and plotting a coup.
Without prosecuting him for these two
crimes, Bo will plan a future come-back.

Lawyer Zhang Sizhi, was a Trial lawyer
for Mao Zedong’s wife Jiang Qing.
Zhang believes that it is an important outcome of the case
whether the prosecutors will add missed charges and sue Bo.
