












採訪/劉惠 編輯/李明飛 後製/蕭宇

Will Bo Xilai’s Fall Save the Chinese Communists?

After being detained for nearly six months, former
Politburo member and Chongqing Party Secretary, Bo Xilai,
was punished with double expulsion (from the party and from
his administrative post) and transferred to judicial organs for further investigation.
Will the fall of the once high-profile political star open
the deadlock that ties between the communist legitimacy and Bo Xilai’s case?
Will Bo’s fall save the troubled Chinese Communist regime?
Let’s take a look at the analysis.

The politburo reports enumerated Bo Xilai’s offenses
including corruption, sexual immorality, abuse of power,
and serious discipline violations across two decades of his
posts in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Business Ministry and Chongqing City.
Bo Xilai』s jail time is believed to arrive soon.

Netizen Xie Bin compared the Bo Xilai case
to the Lin Biao defection.
He wrote, “The defection of Lin Biao, once believed Mao
Zedong’s successor,
broke Mao’s intention to continue the revolution, and
indirectly led to the end of the Cultural Revolution.
Wang Lijun’s fleeing to the U.S. Consulate has caused
the step-down of Bo Xilai, and stopped the CCP from going against the tide and returning to the extreme. left.

He pointed out that after the end of the Cultural Revolution,
the CCP high level also called for political reform.
But the CCP system remains as it was.
This time Bo’s publicized crimes led to the end of Bo.
However, will Bo’s end save the CCP?

The CCP mouthpiece, in reference to Bo Xilai’s case,
commented that the Party will never allow special party members.
Regardless of the position or the influence, anyone who violates
the party discipline and state law will be subject to serious investigation and severe punishment.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily News commented that similar
remarks were heard when Chen Xitong and Chen Liangyu’s cases were exposed.
But, with much disappointment time after time,
who would believe the CCP?

China issues expert Zhao Yuanming: “The corruption
of the CCP is not about Bo Xilai or Chen Liangyu.
The reason why Chen Liangyu and Bo Xilai were able
to survive and gain power was because of the CCP system.
The one-party dictatorship does not allow any supervision
or criticism of the CCP.”

Xie Bin also wrote that the CCP should have learned to stay
out of the tyranny from the lessons of Lin Biao to Bo Xilai’s case.
But the CCP has always covered up the main issue
which has only led the country to “fair without, foul within.”

Zhao Yuanming: “There was Bo Xilai after Chen Liangyu.
There will be another Bo Xilai.
The corrupted officials are endless.
They continue to rise.
The problem is the soil grows weeds, not flowers.”

Oriental Daily News commented that Bo’s case affected
more than the leftist.
The CCP is gradually losing people’s support
and its ruling legitimacy.
The CCP’s biggest crisis is the rotting power mechanism
and collapsing of core values.

Global Information Freedom Movement founder Zhang Xinyu:
“The world is no longer suitable for the survival of the authoritarians such as the CCP.
The autocratic authoritarians rely on violence and lies.

The invention of the Internet does not allow them
to continue their violence and lies.
Its fate won’t change because of a few investigations.”

The internet post concluded that these incidents are increasing.
A few more cases like Bo Xilai’s will not save the CCP.
All these incidents will lead to an inevitable historical event.
That is the end of an old era and the arrival of a new era. That day is not very far.
