
【新唐人2012年7月30日訊】最近,大陸當局對前重慶市委書記薄熙來的妻子谷開來,正式以「 故意殺人罪」提起公訴。香港媒體發佈消息說,谷開來最快將在8月初受審,有可能會在中共18大召開之前被判決。而胡錦濤和習近平日前的重要講話,則表明中共18大的基本路線已經確定。下面請看本臺記者的報導。

《法國國際廣播電臺》中文網援引法國《世界報》的報導指出,捲入薄熙來案的法國人多維爾到中國去「 配合」調查,是因為北京在尋找更多不利於薄熙來和谷開來的證據,以便堵住黨內左派的嘴巴。






時事評論員 邢天行:「 由於有些事情涉及的面太廣太深,恰恰中共自己在風雨飄搖當中,它還想保持原來一黨專政這麼一種獨裁、集團利益的話,那麼它就不敢輕易的把薄熙來這個問題全面拋出來。」


邢天行:「 如果在這個過程當中,他不能認清這一點,也沒有藉這個機會去清除中共那些毒瘤。然後讓老百姓去認清楚中共裡面到底是誰在作惡,那麼這個血債就由他來揹負,他的下場就不會好。」


「 中國民主黨全委會美國委員會」主席張健:「 我認為利益集團博弈跟協商是非常重要的。由這種殘忍的博弈現在看到,如果薄熙來的事情一旦有甚麼問題的話,可能也是協商的結果,可能也是薄熙來拿出一個他自己的一個姿態、一個保證的結果。可能會留下他一條小命。」


邢天行:「 改良不是說,改良了中共就可以去延續。而是作為中國老百姓來講,比它不改良,中國老百姓會少受一些罪,避免流血這樣一些民族的災難。然後中共也要走向中共自己的解體。」


採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/鍾元

French architect Devillers provided key assistance in
Gu Kailai’s murder case said foreign media

Recently, former Chongqing Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) secretary Bo Xilai’s wife Gu Kailai was publicly prosecuted with charges of homicide.
Hong Kong media reported that
Gu could face trial as soon as early August.
The trial might end by the 18th CCP National Congress.

On the other hand, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping’s recent
important speeches indicates that
the basic route of the 18th National Congress
has been determined

Radio France Internationale (RFI) recently cited
A Le Monde’s report that Patrick Devillers,
a French architect linked to Bo Xilai’s case,
had arrived China to “assist” the investigation.
The CCP leaders were trying to collect more evidence
against Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai,
which were helpful in silencing the leftists
inside the party.

When Bo Xilai was mayor of Dalian,
Devillers became an intimate friend of the Bo couple
and accompanied their son Bo Guagua
when he went to study in Britain.
It is speculated that Devillers is an insider of Bo and Gu,
transferring an enormous sum of money abroad.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily wrote that Devillers probably
had provided key evidence toward Gu Kailai’s poisoning British businessman Neil Heywood.
The news of Gu’s prosecution was first announced by
CCP’s mouthpiece media rather than foreign media.
This indicates that the CCP leaders had reached agreement
on how to deal with Bo’s case.

This February, former vice mayor of Chongqing,
Wang Lijun defected to the US consulate and unveiled Bo Xilai’s crimes.
Bo’s wife Gu Kailai’s crimes were revealed too.

Some media reports revealed that Bo had conspired
on a coup with Zhou Yongkang,
head of Politics and Law system
in order to seize power from Hu Jintao.
In addition, Bo and Gu were suspected of having
transferred 6 billion dollars of illicit money abroad.
They were also involved in a couple of murder cases.

However, since the truth of Bo’s case is interlinked
with the CCP』s crime itself,
the party leaders didn’t give any official statement about
how to deal with Bo’s case for a long time.

Xing Tianxing, Political commentator:
“The truth revealed by Bo’s case is too wide and too deep.
As the CCP’s governing has become so unstable,
it dares not uncover all the details of Bo Xilai’s crime
because it still tries to protect its party benefits and
dictatorship regime.”

Xing Tianxing said that the Wang Lijun incident provided
Hu and Wen the best chance to bring Jiang Zemin and followers’ to justice for persecuting Falun Gong.
By doing so, Hu and Wen can separate themselves
from Jiang’s “Blood Debt Faction”.

Xing Tianxing: ”If Hu Jintao does not take the chance
and fails to eliminate the “cancer” inside the CCP during this process,
the Chinese civilians will figure out
who the evil murderers are by themselves.
Then Hu will have to be responsible for the bloody debt
and inevitably come to a bad end.”

According to Xinhua agency’s website, Gu Kailai
not only headed the conspiracy of murdering Heywood
but also participated in the poisoning process, which are
enough toward a death sentence under China’s law.
However, the press release didn’t mention
whether Bo Xilai was also involved in the murder.

Zhang Jian, chairman of China Democratic Committee:
“I believe the struggle and negotiation between different groups play an important role here.
In the cruel political game, any decision made on Bo Xilai』s
case probably results from negotiation and compromise.
Or if Bo Xilai displays some attitude or gives some promise,
he might even be able to keep his life.”

On July 23rd, Hu Jintao unusually mentioned pushing
forward with the political reform in his address.
Outsiders regarded this as a definition of
the basic route in the 18th National Congress.

Xing Tianxing: ”Reform does not mean that
the CCP can continue its dictatorship.
Any kind of reform should mean that
the Chinese people will suffer less,
or fewer bloody events will break out until
the CCP reaches its complete disintegration.”

Some reports also reveal the case of Wang Lijun』s assistant
and former head of Yubei Police Station in Chongqing,
Wang Pengfei has also been prosecuted in the Intermediate
People’s Court in Hefei, Anhui where hometown of Hu Jintao.
The current CCP secretary of Anhui province, Zhang Baoshun
is believed to belong to the Communist Youth League Faction.
