





發課告稅局案 艾未未被禁出庭




同年11月,北京市地方稅務局要求艾未未及其公司交納總額1522萬元人民幣的稅金和罰款。「發課公司」不服,向地稅局提出行政復議。地稅局今年3月27 號允許「發課公司」查看補稅和罰款金的相關資料,但兩天後地稅局就宣佈維持相關決定。「發課公司」於是以地稅局不給予「發課公司」陳述意見的合理時間、 不聽取公司陳述意見的理由向法院提出起訴。



報導說,「重慶希爾頓」原股東彭治民(Peng Zhimin音譯),是重慶最富有的房地產大亨之一,去年11月,他被判終身監禁,對他的起訴包括:領導黑社會組織,拉皮條,放高利貸,賄賂,引起動亂等罪行。而他的妻子在薄熙來被解職的當天立即上訴要求翻案。

“The Epoch Times" Confirmed Wang Lijun’s Handing of Live Organ Harvesting Materials to U.S. ——

According to the exclusive report from “The Epoch Times"
on June 20, Wang Lijun, former Secretary of Chongqing Public Security Bureau,
handed in the related materials about the Chinese Communist
Party’s (CCP) repression of Falun Gong.
Included was secret information about organ
harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners.

On February 6, Wang rushed into the U.S. Consulate in
Chengdu. Media reported that Wang provided a large amount of confidential information.
However, the specific content of the information has been
bringing attention of the outside world.

According to reports, the information Wang provided to the
U.S. government can no longer be kept completely confidential.
The U.S. Congress will soon begin to get in touch with
these materials, and ultimately the truth of these materials will be exposed inevitably.
The confidential information will not be confined to
the small scope of the U.S. Congress senior officials.

“The Epoch Times" pointed out that in the “U.S. State
Department 2012 Human Rights Report,"
a statement regarding the CCP harvesting live Falun Gong
practitioners’organs is mentioned for the first time.
This is also an action from the U.S. government
before the facts are fully revealed.
Reports suggest that this action by the U.S., in addition
to putting some pressure on the CCP about the Falun Gong issue,
can also provide the international community with a basic
explanation of the issue before the truth about the organ harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners emerges.

FAKE Inc. Sues Bejing Tax Department, Ai Weiwei Denied From Court Hearing

On June 20, “Chaoyang Court" of Beijing held a court hearing
in a lawsuit filed by the company of mainland Chinese artist, Ai Weiwei, against Beijing’s tax department.
A large number of Ai’s supporters and the police
who monitored them waited outside the court. Ai was denied attendance in the hearing.

Ai’s legal consultant, famous Beijing lawyer, Liu Xiaoyuan,
was taken to have a talk with police the night before the hearing.
After more than 10 hours, the outside world still
cannot get in touch with him.
Beijing human rights activists and political dissidents
Wang Lihong, Hu Jia, Jiang Tianyong and others also had their freedom restricted by police.

Ai was taken away by police at the Beijing International Airport on April 3 last year. Using the excuse of “suspected subversion of state power," police secretly detained him for three months and put him on trial. Later, police told him about his company’s tax evasion,
then released him on bail.

Last November, the local Beijing Taxation Bureau required
that Ai and his company pay a total of $15.22 million yuan in taxes and fines.
FAKE Inc. refused to accept this and asked for
administrative reconsideration.
On March 27, the Taxation Bureau allowed FAKE Inc.
to read the related materials about the taxes and fines.
But after two days, the local Taxation Bureau announced that
they maintain the relevant decisions.
FAKE Inc. thus sued the local Taxation Bureau for the reason

that it did not grant a reasonable amount of time for
representations and it did not listen to the representations.

British media: Bo Xilai “Swallows up" a Hilton Hotel

Following the anticipated time of the CCP’s dealing with
Bo Xilai’s case, foreign media’s attention about Bo’s case heats up again.
Apart from massive reports about the arrest of Bo’s wife’s
other lover, a French architect,
the British “Financial Times"on June 18, exposed that
Bo used the excuse of “cracking down on embezzlement" to encroach assets of a Chongqing “Hilton Hotel".

It is reported that Peng Zhimin, former shareholder of
Chongqing “"Hilton Hotel," is one of the richest real estate tycoons in Chongqing.
Last November, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The charges against him include: heading triad gangs, pimping,
Loan sharking, bribery, causing unrest and other crimes.
Peng’s wife requested to reverse the verdict immediately
after Bo was dismissed.
