






薄案新內幕 航天員楊利偉被約談



而一度成為海外媒體焦點的薄熙來妻子谷開來的醜聞,最近也爆出新料。據《路透社》5月15號報導,行蹤神秘的法國建築師多維爾(Patrick Henri Devillers)不僅跟谷開來有生意往來,而且還有感情糾葛。

報導說,多維爾現年52歲,是除了去年11月被謀殺的英國商人海伍德(Neil Heywood)之外,另外一位與薄熙來家族、尤其是薄的妻子谷開來有著密切關係的歐洲人。報導引述跟他們兩人都相識的英國商人霍爾的話說,比起海伍德,多維爾與谷開來的關係更加親密。




New York Times: Zhou Yongkang’s role on persecution of Chen Guangcheng

Blind rights activist Chen Guangcheng still waits in Beijing
Chaoyang Hospital to move with his wife and kids to the U.S.
The world remains focused on the progress of Chen’s case.

Chen’s U.S. trip is stagnant, yet information about
the persecution that he has suffered over years is surfacing.

On May 14, New York Times disclosed Zhou Yongkang’s role
in Chen Guangcheng’s sentencing in 2006.

Law professor at New York University, Jerome Cohen, said
Chen Guangcheng was detained by local authorities in 2005 for defending human rights.
After the detention made world headlines, the then CCP’s
public security minister, Zhou Yongkang, “sent emissaries to Shandong to discuss the case.”
In 2006, “Chen was convicted and imprisoned on what
experts widely said were trumped-up charges.”

After being released from jail in September 2010, Chen and
his family were immediately placed under 24-hour house arrest.
The overseeing guards told Chen Guangcheng that it costs
over 6,000 RMB (US$9.5 million) annually to keep him confined.

Chen was now confined in a Beijing hospital, “but the costly
crackdown continues unabated,” the New York Times reported.

Astronaut Yang Liwei Involved In Bo Xilai Case

The Bo Xilai case, the CCP’s biggest political scandal over
the last 20 years, has implicated many parties thus far.
The inside stories keep being unveiled as the time goes by.

Lately, informed sources told overseas Chinese media that
even the famous astronaut Yang Liwei was involved.
Yang was said to have been “appointed to have a talk” with
the official workgroup of the Bo Xilai case.
Yang’s connection with Bo began from Bo’s tenure
as Governor of Liaoning Province, insiders revealed.
Bo treated Yang’s family, who lived in Liaoning, very well.

Yang, being very grateful, supported Bo by taking part in
some activities organized by Bo’s forces.
The news has not yet confirmed by the CCP authorities.

UK Media: Gu Kailai Suspected Affair With French Architect

An inside story involving media focal point Gu Kailai,
Bo Xilai’s wife, was unearthed.
According to Reuters’ May 15 report, French architect
Patrick Henri Devillers not only did business with Gu Kailai, but also had an affair with her.

Devillers, 52, was reportedly another European who has
close ties with Bo’s family and in particular, his wife.
British businessman Neil Heywood, who was murdered
in November in 2011, was the first.
Reuters cited UK businessman Giles Hall
who knew Heywood and Devillers.
Devillers had shown much more affection and intimacy
towards Gu than Heywood had done.
Giles Hall had assumed Gu and the Frenchman
were lovers.

“The suspicion Devillers had a romantic link with Gu,
in addition to business ties,
suggests the Frenchman could be more than a peripheral figure
in the Bo scandal,” said the news report.

Devillers is now missing.
He refused to issue a statement through his lawyer.
Devillers’ father and sister said they had little or no contact
with him, nor did they know how to reach him.

Devillers was reported to enter Bo’s inner circle in the 1990s
when he lived in Dalian.
After being unpaid for his architectural work for a Chinese
company, Devillers and Chinese wife wrote a letter to then-mayor Bo Xilai.
“Bo Xilai intervened on Devillers’ behalf and later referred
work to him”, according to the news report.
