
【新唐人2012年5月12日訊】陳光誠雖然逃離了山東的東師古村,但似乎又進入了另一個「東師古」。目前,沒有行動自由的他在北京「朝陽醫院」裡,與外界基本隔絕。但聽到親人被報復、朋友被打,護照辦理也沒有進一步消息,內心是甚麼感受? 陳光誠在接受本臺記者採訪時表示,他正在與中共官員約見,希望當局能履行對他的護照辦理,和對相關人員犯罪行為進行追查的承諾。

日本「讀賣新聞」引述「紐約大學」法學院教授孔傑榮(Jerome Alan Cohen)的話,表示北京當局已經開始處理陳光誠的出國手續,應當會相當順利,並說陳光誠可能12號就可抵達美國。北京時間11號早上,記者撥通了陳光誠的手機,並詢問他是否知道這一消息。














採訪/易如 撰稿/王子琦 後製/薛莉

Hopes of CCP Fulfilling Promises:
Chen Guangcheng Speaks to NTDTV.

Chen Guangcheng recently fled from Dongshigu village,
Shandong Province.
It now seems he has become trapped in another.
Chen is currently in the Beijing Chaoyang Hospital.
He is without personal freedom, and is isolated
from the outside world.
After he learned that his relatives and friends suffered
from revenge attacks,
and with still awaiting further information about
his passport, how does he feel?
Chen Guangcheng told an NTDTV reporter that he
is contacting Chinese Communist Party officials.
He hopes they will fulfill their promise of a passport
and investigate the crimes of related officials.

Jerome Alan Cohen, a Law professor at New York University,
was cited by the Japanese ‘Daily Yomiuri’.
Beijing authorities may have started to tackle formalities
to allow Chen Guangcheng to go abroad.
Things should go well. He also said that Chen might arrive
in the US by May 12.
On the morning of May 11, Beijing time, an NTD reporter
called Chen to see if he knew about this information.

Chen Guangcheng: “I haven’t been informed, but only
heard about it from my friends.
There’s no progress here yet, and I haven’t got my passport.

They haven’t taken my pictures, so I’m not sure if things
will move so fast.
They promised at that time that they would definitely process
it but cannot tell me when, so I have to ask about it now.”

Reporter: “Have any officials (from CCP) further contacted

hen Guangcheng: “No.
No further information since the day we met.
I don’t know if he will come today or not, but
I contacted him anyway in the last two days.”

Chen Guangcheng said during an interview on May 10 that
his nephew, Chen Kegui, was detained by police in Yi’nan County.
The authorities have taken revenge on Kegui’s wife
and parents. The situation in his home in Shandong was awful.

Chen Guangcheng: “I learned yesterday that my elder
brother was confined to the village.
My cousin’s new lawyer from Guangdong Province,
named Chen Wuquan, had his lawyer license held when he was about to go to Shandong to defend my cousin.
Many other lawyers who would like to defend
Kegui got threatened.”

Sun Wenguang, a professor from Shandong University,
analyzed these actions.
By doing this, the CCP might be hastening
Chen Guangcheng to go abroad.

Sun Wenguang: “I think the CCP’s main purpose
is to hasten Chen to leave, to go to the US.
Then they will be free from trouble.
No more troubles if he leaves, isn’t it?”

According to Radio France Internationale, Victoria Nuland,
the spokesperson for the US Department of State, spoke about this issue on May 10.
The U.S. has required the CCP authorities to explain
their revenge attacks and threats on Chen’s family members.

After Chen Guangcheng escaped house arrest, he put forward
three appeals to China’s Premier Wen Jiabao via video. Did he get any reply?

Chen Guangcheng: “Mr. Guo from the central government,
said it would be authorized by the government.
He promised to investigate the relative crimes
in Shandong Province, as an indirect reply.
But so far, I haven’t got any information about
how the investigation goes.
I hope that they take actions soon and that’s why
I contacted him in the last a couple of days.”

Since Chen Guangcheng entered Beijing Chaoyang Hospital
on May 2, many people who came to visit him were stopped or beaten.
Even Gary Faye Locke, U.S. Ambassador to China, didn’t
manage to visit Chen in hospital on May 5.
But many petitioners are still gathering around the hospital
to support Chen.

Sun Wenguang: “How unfair! A person was detained
in a hospital, in the capital city, and cannot meet anyone.
Jiang Tianyong was beaten to deafness, in Beijing, an area
under Zhou Yongkang’s control.
As the leader of the Political and Judiciary Committee,
Zhou is responsible for that.
By using his power, Zhou is turning Chaoyang Hospital
into another Dongshigu village. How ridiculous!”

Sun Wenguang said that Chen Guangcheng’s rights
to meet friends, and be interviewed have been deprived.
Zhou Yongkang, who controls public security,
the procuratorate, people’s courts and judicial organs,
is not free of guilt in Chen Guangcheng’s case.
