【禁聞】朝陽醫院400警力戒備 成東師古村

【新唐人2012年5月5日訊】朝陽醫院400警力戒備 成東師古村


京媒白天炮轟美國 深夜懺悔






With 400 policemen guarding, Chaoyang Hospital becomes Dongshigu village

After Chinese blind human rights activist Chen Guangcheng
left the U.S. embassy for Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,
a large number of Chen’s supporters and activists attempted
to visit him.
However, most of the visitors were arrested by police,
put under house arrest, and beaten.
According to a source from Chaoyang District Hospital,
after Chen』s hospitalization, more than 400 CCP national security personnel went there.
Everywhere inside and outside the hospital is littered
with CCP National Security Police and plainclothes officers.
This has made people feel that the blockade of Dongshigu
village, Linyi, Shandong has been moved to the capital.
According to information issued by Chinese netizens via
Twitter on the morning of May 5th,
all foreign media reporters in front of Chaoyang Hospital
were driven away by the police.
The CCP』s promise that it will ensure Chen’s safety
and freedom seemed to be a hoax from the beginning.

Beijing media criticize U.S. during the day, repents at night

With the development of Chen Guangcheng』s event, the rogue
means of CCP officials are clearly visible to more Chinese people.
On May 4th, while the CCP said that Chen could go through
The normal procedure like others if he wants to study abroad,
the CCP also allowed the capital newspapers to collectively
publish articles attacking the United States.
Among them, the headline of “Beijing Daily" was “Chen
Guangcheng, an event to witness the poor performance
of American politicians" directly accusing the US of being
“anti-China forces."
“Beijing Times" condemned Chen Guangcheng as a tool
and a pawn of the U.S.
The Beijing News criticized US diplomats of being undutiful.

The Beijing Youth Daily directly scolded U.S.
Ambassador Gary Locke.

However, interestingly enough, at 0:00 on May 5th, “Beijing
News" issued a message from their microblog which read:
“Late at night, remove the mask of insincerity
and apologize to a true self. Good night."
Netizens carefully analyzed that the message was sent out
through Pipi time machine at 0:00, which meant that
the Beijing News staff had earlier set this microblog to post
at midnight.
Some netizens also commented that the CCP does evil things
under pressure during the daytime and confesses
on the Internetlate at night, showing that some media
personel still have a conscience.

US university provides scholarship to Chen Guangcheng

On May 4th, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria
Nuland issued a statement that Chen Guangcheng has been
granted a scholarship by a U.S. university, and he will be able
to bring his wife and two children to study at the university.
The statement said that the CCP government claims it will
accept Chen』s application documents of going abroad.
The U.S. government expects CCP authorities will expedite
the processing of Chen’s travel documents and arrange treatment for his current physical condition.
The statement said the U.S. government will give priority
attention to Chen and his immediate family members』 visa applications.

However, the outside world is not optimistic regarding
a smooth trip abroad for Chen.
The Washington Post in the U.S. reported that
Chen currently has no passport and,
if he utilizes normal procedures to go abroad, it may mean
to return to Dongshigu village to apply for a passport.
However, he was subject to confinement and beatings there
for a long time.
He also may face a long wait, and then not necessarily
be granted permission to go abroad.
