【禁聞】李克強記者會未提周永康 輿論失望

【新唐人2014年03月14日訊】李克強記者會未提周永康 輿論失望






網路瘋傳「微信屠城 血流成河」



200維人泰國被捕 慾求聯合國庇護






It is disappointed that Li Keqiang didn’t mention Zhou
Yongkang’s case at press conference

March 13, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held a regular press
conference after the National People’s Congress closing.
The famous former Politburo Standing Committee Zhou
Yongkang’s case has not been mentioned made the foreign
media disappointed.

British Financial Times associate editor Zhang Lifen said the
mainland media are always polite to the Premier and the sensitive
questions were mostly from foreign media.

But unfortunately, the foreign media was too polite to Li Keqiang
this time.”

Ukrainian issue, Kunming incident
and Zhou Yongkang case mentioned in press conference of the
National Political Consultative Conference should be raised.

Taiwan Central News Agency reported that this arrangement
might be related to Li Keqiang’s self-positioned economic cabinet.

Hong Kong commentators pointed out, the press conference
of National People Confess (NPC) is not the best time to public
Zhou Yongkang case and Li Keqiang is not the best candidate
for the case disclosure.

The bloody massacre in microblog is spread through internet.

The bloody massacre in microblog is spread through mainland
network after two sessions just closed.
A large number of microblog accounts were banned including
some well-known mainland commentators’ account.

to a new round of speech suppression through internet after
two sessions.

Tencent Company claimed that the measure was prevent some
imitation sales through microblog.
However, Tencent didn’t explain the reason for those banned
accounts which are frequently in support of democracy,
freedom and human rights.

200 Uyghur people were arrested in Thailand.
They were seeking UN asylum

According to the U.S. Radio Free Asia, 235 Uyghur were arrested
in fleeing process from Thailand to Malaysia on March 11.

It is said that these Uyghur try to escape to Thailand to avoid the Chinese regime’s crackdown in Xinjiang.
Since few people in Thailand can help them seek the UN asylum, they were planning to flee to Malaysia for the UN asylum.

The report says the Uyghur appealed the international community
to send them to the third country and not to repatriate
them to China because of the severe punishment.

AFP and Turkish media reported it also.

