




2月25號,人民幣即期匯率發生無預期暴跌,當天下挫282點。 28號,人民幣對美元即期匯率一度暴跌(超過500點),盤中最低觸及6.1808,跌幅達0.86%。人民幣即期匯率從1月13號6.04附近,貶值到6.18,貶值幅度已經超過2%。


曾經一度逼近北京、上海、廣州等一線城市的杭州樓市,打響了馬年樓市降價的「第一槍」。 2月18號,杭州「北海公園」項目宣佈清盤,隨後,多地接連跟進降價,降幅高達數千元。而廣州也出現樓盤打折促銷,價格降到萬元以下。



大陸《證券日報》報導,2月28號,「 SOHO中國」宣佈,將上海的「SOHO海倫廣場」和「SOHO靜安廣場」及權益,全部出售給大陸「金融街控股股份有限公司」,總交易金額為人民幣52億3000萬元。

業內人士表示,「 SOHO中國」41億元的投資成本,加上近三年的資金成本和管理成本等財務費用,僅溢價11億2600萬元,溢價率甚至不足27.4%,低於業界保守預期的30%就將它出售了。這代表潘石屹看淡上海商業地產,緊跟李嘉誠腳步,主動拋售上海資產。






採訪編輯/易如 後製/鍾元

China’s First-Tier Cities’ Property Price Will Fall By 80 Percent

Before the annual session of China’s National People’s Congress,
Reminbi (RMB) rapidly devalued, and the real
estate price largely dropped.

Recently, media has reported that real estate mogul Pan Shiyi
followed Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shine, by selling his assets.
Some officials also said that “the property price is changing
direction, thus reaching an inflection point.
Many people have also spoken of when the
bubble will burst.
Experts have forecast 2014 a year for real estate business people
to be running away from this dire situation.
Some people also speculate that property prices in first-tier cities
in Mainland China will fall by as much as 80 percent.

Chinese media reported that Qi Ji, Deputy Minister of Housing
and Urban-Rural Development, was questioned
by journalists on March 4.

Qi revealed that real estate prices in 2014
has reached a turning point.

Gong Shengli, leading senior researcher of a financial magazine
in China: “I am not sure what the minister’s words meant.
Does it refer to the price of homes falling or the real estate sector
still having money, or does he mean civilians can afford homes?”

Gong Shengli says that it doesn’t matter what Qi’s “inflection
point” meant, the real estate situation has become serious now.

On Feb. 25, RMB spot exchange rate, unexpectedly
dropped down to 282 points.
On Feb. 28, RMB exchange rate to US Dollar had dropped
to over 500 points.
The lowest rate of the day reached 6.1808, which is a
drop of 0.86 percent.
RMB spot exchange rate decreased from 6.04
on Jan. 13 to 6.18, which devaluated more than 2 percent.

On March 3, Beijing Times reported that new homes sold
in February have reached their lowest over the past seven years.
Residential homes are now being reduced by 5.98 percent
of the original price.

Housing prices in Hangzhou, where they were once as high
as first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou,
has now become the first city to drop its property price in 2014.

On Feb. 18, Beihai Park project in Hangzhou
announced its liquidation.
Many cities followed and dropped its real estate price
by several thousands yuan.
Guangzhou also gives discounts on home purchasing,
the price fell below 10,000 yuan per square meter.

Gong Shengli: “The US Federal Reserves has implemented
a QE ( quantitive easing) monetary policy.
Now RMB has dropped rapidly.

On Feb. 28, RMB dropped 500 points to the US Dollar.
So in China’s market, where does the real estate money come from?”

On March 4, Pan Shiyi, Chairman of commercial real estate
developer at SOHO China,
announced its 2013 annual company report.

He said that he was not very optimistic for the future prospects
of China’s property development market.
The land costs are out priced too high, bringing with it
greater financial risks to the real estate world.
The third party’s deposits, or trust management funds
are expanding.
Yet the quality of the product isn’t very high,
and the result is sure to be an eruption at any time.

Securities Daily reported that SOHO China announced
on Feb. 28,
they will sell SOHO Shanghai Square and
SOHO Jingan Square to the Financial Street Holding.
The total amount of sales will be 5.23 billion yuan (US$853 million)

Experts say that SOHO China have spent a total investment of
4.1 billion yuan (US$669 million).
Apart from the extra cost of management in the past three years,
it can only get 1.13 billion yuan premium in return.
The premium rate is less than 27.4 percent, lower than the industry’s
conservative expectations of 30 percent.
This shows us that Pan Shiyi has lost full confidence in
Shanghai real estate business,
as now he follows what Li Ka-shing does, actively selling
Shanghai’s assets.

Gong Shengli says that the scale of the Chinese economy has
expanded since the recessions occurred,
back then the Central Bank injected 4 trillion yuan (US$570 billiion)
in to the system.

Gong Shengli: “China’s economy weak point is just like this,
it suddenly injects funds, expanding everything in its wake,
including the ever growing bubble.

Thus the risks are much higher than that of any other country.
Because it has neither foundation, nor capital sources.”

Gong Shenglin says that the current funds of real estate came
from the trust company of Bank of China’s large investment.
This year, maturing of trust bonds is more than 10 trillion yuan,
At least 80 percent of the money went into real estate.

Duan Shaoyi, Assistant Director of Beijing Unirule Institute
of Economics, suggests that because there are so many
houses in China, the bubbles already exists.

Although RMB doesn’t devalue, the housing bubbles
will burst, the price will fall.

Niu Dao (chopper), financial commentator says that
when the monetary bubble bursts,

the money that China completely depends upon to stimulate
the economic growth, will have come to a close.
Once it comes to the end of its life expectancy,
China’s true economy will show itself,
The first-tier cities’ home price will fall by
a massive 80 percent.

Interview & Edit/Yiru Post-Production/Zhoutian
