【禁聞】周永康蹊蹺「現身」 高層權鬥慘烈?






時政評論員藍述:「因為薄熙來怎麼定案 牽扯到將來要不要繼續追查,就是追查到周永康,所以現在中共高層處在一種分裂的狀態,各個利益集團在劇烈的決鬥。」










採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

News of Zhou Yongkang Reflects Struggle Within the Chinese Regime

Recently, a rumor that Zhou Yongkang is under investigation for corruption was widely circulated among media outlets. On Sept 18, Zhou’s old news of the inspection of Qilu Petrochemical was published on the Qidu Public Security Bureau Website. Critics believe this news indicates a power struggle within the high level of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Zhou’s Qilu inspection news attracted immediate media attention. Many media outlets re-distributed this news, but strangely enough, the news disappeared from the website within a day.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer: “I think that this news came from Zhou’s subordinates, who wanted to cheer him up and at the same time eliminate the suspicion of Zhou’s safety. However, this news was deleted. I believe Zhou’s group wants to fight back."

Recently, Zhou Yongkang’s relatives and cronies in the Politics and Law Committee, oil and business sectors have been investigated. Zhou’s political ally, Bo Xilai, is facing sentencing, and rumors of Zhou’s investigation circulated amongst media outlets.

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator, thinks the old news of Zhou on the website reflects a leadership power struggle within the CCP, which has reached the point of life and death. Lan Shu: “The outcome of Bo Xilai’s trial decides the future investigation of Zhou. Now, the CCP is on the verge of a split, and various interest groups are in an intense battle."

Last year, Wang Lijun, director of the former Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, fled to the U.S. Consulate. Wang exposed a large amount of information regarding Zhou/Bo’s corruption, adultery, murder, political coup, organ harvesting and other scandals.

On August 26, after Bo’s trial ended, four oil executives were arrested. Subsequently, Jiang Jiemin, Zhou’s hardcore confidant and former chairman of ChinaPetro Group, was investigated. On Sept. 2, a number of foreign media reported that Zhou was under house arrest. On Sept. 4, British Reuters quoted sources who said that Zhou was cooperating with the investigation. On Sept. 18, Hong Kong’s Sun disclosed that the investigation of Zhou was under the direction of Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, as well as the personal assistance of Wang Qishan.

Hua Po: “Xi Jinping has to catch a bigger tiger in order to establish his own authority. Bo’s downfall came from the hands of Hu and Wen, so it does not account. Thus, Xi needs to catch a bigger tiger than Bo."

Hua Po thinks if Bo gets heavy sentence, it will help to clarify his position. If Bo gets a light sentence, that means he is only a little tiger, and Xi needs to catch a bigger tiger. Hong Kong’s Trends magazine said whether Zhou will be investigated is hard to predict. It was learned that Zeng Qinghong, former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, came forth to request investigations all the way up to Jiang Jiemin.

Xing Tianhang, political commentator: “Jiang and Zhou are in the same boat; if one perishes, the other will be in danger. Both of them jointly controlled interests of the oil system. They were both Jiang Zemin’s important helpers and did bad deeds together. They were partners in crime.

Outside observers believe that if Zhou Yongkang is being investigated, Zeng Qinghong also faces the same crisis.
