














美國倫理公共政策中心資深研究員George Weigel曾經一針見血指出:被中共控制的中國醫學界已淪為「殺人企業」。






ABC: Doubts No More Harvesting Executed Prisoners’ Organs

The claim to end the practice of harvesting organs
from executed prisoners on Jan. 1 has drawn much attention.

While ABC News reported skepticism that the Communist
regime’s pronouncement would bring about any real change,
many more people suspect an intention
to cover up live organ harvesting.

“Starting from January 1, China will end its reliance
on the organs of executed prisoners for transplantation",
the vice minister of health Huang Jiefu said in early December,
reported ABC.

But, China Director for Human Rights Watch was skeptical
the Government pronouncement would bring about
any real change.

She said, “There are considerable economic interests
in the organ trade that are to a large extent unaddressed
by this policy,
and the government’s willingness to discipline
those in official positions — be they prison guards or
administrators or doctors — who violate such policies is scant ."

Commentator Li Shanjian: “When CCP admitted and showed
they want to resolve it,
international media focussed on death row prisoners.
What’s evil about it is that live organ harvesting
is rather ignored.
The international community is rather distracted,
and I think that’s their purpose."

However, Huang Jiefu’s contradictory rhetoric can’t cover
up his lies.

With the ratio of public organ donations being 0.6 to 1,000,000
Chinese people, one of the lowest in the world, there is a
dramatic shortage of donors for transplant needs in China.

During his visit to Taiwan on Dec.19, 2014,
Huang even addressed to establish a cross-straits transplant
platform for organ output from the Mainland.

On Nov. 23, China’s organ procurement organization (OPO)
was established with honorary chairman Huang Jiefu,
and chaired by Shu-Sen Zheng, chairman of Chinese Medical
Association of Organ Transplant.

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has issued multiple notices
to investigate both Huang and Zheng.

Both are suspected to be the main criminals in practicing
live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

WOIPFG spokesman Wang Zhiyuan believes the OPO was
established to exactly cover up the real donor sources.

Their being the chairs of the OPO explains precisely
the relation of OPO with the crime of live organ harvesting.

Miss Fu, a retired Chinese doctor: “I tell you, live organ
harvesting is known to nearly all Chinese.
Why do they stop organ harvest from executed prisoners
on Jan. 1 of 2015?
It is because of the pressure. It is equivalent to admitting to it!"

In fact, the Communist regime has been inconsistent
about the source of organs.

In 2001, Chinese doctor Wang Guoqi testified
before the US Congress that coordinated procedures existed
between surgeons and regime officials to harvest and sell
the body parts of executed prisoners.

The regime denied it and claimed the major source of human
organs came from voluntary donations from Chinese citizens.

In 2006, the Epoch Times exposed the shady and shocking
Shenyang Sujiatun concentration camp for live organ harvesting
for the first time.

In November, Huang Jiefu changed his tone and claimed that
the source of organ transplants came from executed prisoners.

Despite the true death row figure not being available from
the regime, human rights organizations estimate the regime
executes thousands of prisoners a year.

Along with the rare matching rates, the annual 15,000 cases
of transplant in China that occurred between 2003 and 2006
when the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners
was believed to peak, poses the question
of the source of the organs.

George Weigel, a distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics
and Public Policy Center, once bluntly stated,

“there is government-run Chinese medicine,
which has become a lethal enterprise."

Additionally, organ theft from inpatients is also often heard of
in China these years.

In 2011, a uremic patient Gao Bingqiang from Handan,
Hebei Province, found out his left kidney was missing.

He suspected that the First Hospital of Handan City
where he had his only surgery ‘stole’ his kidney.

Last August, Shanxi boy Binbin’s eyes were dug out and corneas
were stolen.

Last July, in another case, Shaanxi Red Cross threatened
to switch off a respirator if a patient refused to sign
an organ donation form.

Li Shanjian indicates that unscrupulous doctors are accustomed
to the high profit of organ sales.

When it is not so easy to steal organs of Falun Gong
practitioners, they find ways to steal other people’s organs.

Famous media figure Hung Huang recently denied her
mother’s (Communist politician) kidneys came from
the unjustly executed Nie Shubin.

However, she also wrote that, her mother twice experienced
kidney transplants and the two hospitals never revealed
the source of the kidneys.

“As the patient and the family, we were only feeling lucky
to find matching organs in time but never thought of
finding out the source of the organs.
It is because we had the feeling that horrifying procedures
could have been involved."

Interview & Edit/LiuHui
