【禁聞】黃潔夫提器官輸臺 難避活摘罪惡



















採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/陳建銘

Light is Shed Upon the Crimes of Organ Harvesting.
Huang Jiefu Admits to Organs Being Exported to Taiwan.

The former Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Health, Huang Jiefu,
proposed to develop an organ transplant platform
across both sides of the strait and export human organs
from mainland to Taiwan, during his recent visit to Taiwan.

Huang Jiefu’s remarks have, yet again, shed light upon the CCP’s
crime of forced organ harvesting from living
Falun Gong practitioners

Experts say: This is the CCP’s way of carrying out a united front
strategy between Taiwan and China.
CCP is trying to export its crime of live organ harvesting to
its neighbour, thus making the Taiwanese people
accomplices in this betrayal.

On Dec.19, as former Deputy Minister of the Ministry
of Health and incumbent Chairman of “Human Organ
Donation and Transplantation Committee"
in Mainland China,
Huang Jiefu said in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital in Taiwan:
China will develop a platform for organ transplants
with Taiwan. Organs in Mainland China can be “legally"
exported to Taiwan earliest of next year.

Professor Chen Yanling is from the International College
of Psychosomatic Medicine:
“It has never happened before, that a nation says:
its human organs can be exported.
Till now, all governments across the globe
including the CCP authorities,
made the law prohibiting organ trading.

Various data also confirms one thing:
in Mainland China, human organs are in short supply."

Professor Chen Yanling analyses, although China and Taiwan
have a blood relationship,
they are in fact of two different systems,
where different medical concepts and laws all determine,
that all such organ trading and export cannot take place.

If so, why did the CCP decide to make a statement that
“human organs are to be exported to Taiwan"?

Chen Yanling: “Whether it is a business cooperation,
or technical cooperation, such a cooperation is doubtful.
During the cooperation, what does the CCP want to do on earth?

Because we found that some of what the CCP offered
are neither legitimate nor unreasonable.
The first thing I thought: the CCP is going to trap
Taiwan in unrighteousness status."

Taiwan human rights lawyer Theresa Chu told
the “Epoch Times", Huang Jiefu could not clarify the sources
of 500 cases of liver transplantation he completed in 2012.

Such an alleged organ harvesting murderer,
actually came to Taiwan and said
“legitimately exporting organs to Taiwan".

This is undoubtedly to export and expand the evilness
of the CCP’s organ harvesting,
and let Taiwanese people become accomplices in plundering
human organs from Mainland China.

Taiwan-based “Central News Agency", reported that newly
elected Taipei Mayor Wen-Je Ko,
is claimed to have said, on the night of Dec.19, Huang Jiefu
discussed organ transplantation with him.
But Wen-Je Ko believes that at the current stage,
a number of technical issues are still un- resolved.
At present, China lacks a basic organ registration system
and information is not transparent.

According to Taiwan’s “Liberty Times", Taiwan’s Ministry
of Health and Welfare, said the cross-border organ export
between two sides involves the source of organs,
social perceptions, public acceptance and other issues,
and it can be said to be an “impossibility".

Since 2000, the number of organ transplants in China
occurred with dramatic growth.
Yet the number of deaths by execution in China,
has decreased year by year.
The first organ donor registry system also began
to run only from March of this year.
Therefore, the origins of a huge number of donors required by the
medical profession, became the CCP’s “state secrets"
and the public have constantly questioned these.

Since 2006, the international community began
to expose the evidences,
which confirms these organs are mostly from detained
Falun Gong practitioners after 1999,
and they are forced to experience live organ harvesting
and a tragic death.

Coordinator of “World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong" Wang Zhiyuan:

“WOIPFG conducted a telephone survey on more than 1,000
doctors from the transplant industry in provinces and cities
of China from March to August of 2014.

The survey found that: the CCP still conducts organ
transplantations, still conducts a lot of organ transplantations,
and still uses the organs of Falun Gong practitioners."

As evidences have been continuously exposed, the international
community have taken actions condemning the shocking crime
of CCP challenging the human moral bottom line.

Spain amended the law in 2010 and prohibits its citizens
to accept illegal organ transplants.
Israel began in April of 2012 to prohibit Israelis
from attending so-called “organ transplantation tourism".

On Dec.12 of 2013, the European Parliament passed
a historic bill to require the immediate cessation
of the CCP organ harvesting from live persons;
and the release of all prisoners of conscience,
including Falun Gong practitioners.

On June 27 of last year, the US House of Representatives
officially launched “281 Resolutions",
requiring the CCP to immediately stop the evil organ
harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and other
prisoners of conscience.

Under strong pressure from the international community,
the CCP attempted to conceal the crime
of evil organ harvesting by changing rhetoric.

Huang Jiefu has repeatedly claimed that the death by execution
is a major source to China’s organ transplant system.

Despite an independent survey showing that
the number of deaths by execution is far less than
the number of Chinese organ transplantations.

In October of 2014, WOIPFG released a report,
by analysing the amount of liver transplant surguries
carried out by Huang Jiefu, academic papers
and public statements made by Huang Jiefu,
it is proven fact that after the CCP started
to persecute Falun Gong in July of 1999,
Huang Jiefu has been alleged to promote and participate in
taking organs from live Falun Gong practitioners,
and he showed himself in many official identities
for concealing the truth of organ harvesting.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/LiQian Post-Production/Chen Jianming
