【禁聞】軍委大換血 紅二代或全面掌軍權







美「哥倫比亞大學」職工 藏人瑪交巴塔:「中共最害怕就是發生政變。軍隊要放自己的人才放心。它讓軍隊聽話,現在不聽話的人很多。歸根到底就是為了保住共產黨的政權。」






採訪/常春 編輯/李謙 後製/君卓

Chinese Communist Party Princelings In Power of Central Military Commission

The upcoming 18th National Congress of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) will see a reshuffle.
The top leadership of the CCP’s Central Military
Commission (CMC) also faces big changes.
70% of CMC leaders will retire, and are likely
to be replaced by the generation of Princelings.
Commentators say the Princelings’ succession in the army
helps Xi Jinping solidify his position as the next leader.

The majority of incumbent CMC
members are all over the age of 67.
The list includes CMC Vice Chairmen Guo Boxiong and
Xu Houcai. Defense Minister Liang Guanglie;
Chen Bingde, Chief of People’s Liberation
Army (PLA) General Staff Headquarters;
Li Jinai, Chief of the PLA General Political Department;
Liao Xilong, Chief of PLA General Logistics Department;
Jing Zhiyuan, Commander of PLA 2nd Artillery Force;
and Navy Commander Wu Shengli.
Only two current CMC members will remain their seats.

They are Air Force Commander Xu Qiliang, aged 60,
and Chief of PLA General Armament Department, Chang Wanquan, aged 63.
That means, 70% CMC members will be replaced.

The new generation of CMC leadership expectedly
consists of middle-aged generals who were born after 1949.
The leading candidates are Fang Fenghui,
Commander of Beijing Military Region;
Liu Yuan, Political Commissar of PLA
General Logistics Department;
Zhang Haiyang, Political Commissar
of PLA 2nd Artillery Force;
Deputy Chiefs of PLA General Staff Headquarters,
which include Ma Xiaotian, Sun Jianguo, Zhang Qinsheng and Wei Fenghe;
It also includes Commander of Shenyang
Military Region Zhang Youxia.

Most of these new CMC leaders-in-waiting
are children of the CCP veterans and top leaders.
This includes Liu Yuan, son of former
CCP President Liu Shaoqi;
Zhang Haiyang, son of former
CMC Vice Chairman Zhang Zhen;
Ma Xiaotian, son of Ma Zaiyao, and former
Director of Education at PLA Political Academy;
Zhang Youxia, son of former General Zhang Zongxun.

The new General Liu Yazhou is the son-in-law
of Li Xiannian, former CCP President.
Liu Yazhou is the current Political Commissar
of the PLA National Defense University.
Liu Yazhou’s father joined the CCP-led Eighth Route Army.

Navy Political Commissar Liu Xiaojiang is the son-in-law
of Hu Yaobang, former CCP General Secretary.
Liu Xiaojiang’s father joined the CCP’s Red Army.

Since Bo Xilai’s plot to seize central power was exposed,
the military has repeatedly sworn it’s support for Hu Jintao.
Now the children of CCP revolutionaries
are expected to hold power in army.
CCP President-in-waiting Xi Jinping, who supports
the punishment of Bo Xilai, is also a Princeling.
Sources said that Xi Jinping has close ties
with Liu Yuan, and some other generals.
Analysts believe that the armies reshuffle
is linked to the CCP’s top-level infighting.

Chopathar Wayemache, Tibetan staff, Columbia University:
“Coups are what the CCP fear most. So it always appoints their reliable persons to control the army.
Currently, lots of army men are disobedient.
So, all in all, the CCP wants to keep its regime.”

Critic Wen Zhao says that historical reasons created
chances for the princelings of CMC leaders-to-be.

Wen Zhao: “They graduated from school
at about 20 years old, in around the 1970s.
In that era, for the children of CCP senior leaders,
they didn’t have other way outs but to join the army.”

Wen Zhao remarks that in recent decades,
the CCP army has not been involved in big wars.
Promotion inside the army all depends
on relationships, or by seniority.
Owning advantages inside the CCP system,
the princelings in the army could get faster promotions compared to ordinary officers.
Wen Zhao says that in the CCP-ruled army, open-minded
and capable officers are easily marginalized.
Therefore, new CCP army leadership is not
expected to present any innovation.

Wen Zhao: “In essence, there’s no difference
in preserving the army system and the CCP system.
The systems are mainly reliant on internal networks,
of personal connections and network-derived interests.
I’m don’t think that some individuals’ special
views could trigger changes in the CCP.”

Earlier on, the media reported that Ma Xiaotian
might take over as Air Force Commander;
Sun Jianguo might be the new Navy chief, and Wei Fenghe
is likely to replace the PLA 2nd Artillery Force Commander.
It was speculated that Liu Yuan, Zhang Haiyang,
Zhang Youxia and Zhang Qinsheng might take the helm of the four PLA General Departments.
Liu Yuan was reportedly top of list of to-be-leaders, to take
the seat as the Chief of PLA General Political Department.
