【禁聞】谷開來承認殺人 如何立功免死?





時政評論家 陳破空:「那四個高級警官是為了掩護她,為了掩蓋她殺英國商人的罪行,而受到了徇私枉法這個罪行的追究,如果這就是重大立功,那根本就不算,因為這是因他的案件而產生的,我相信不是因為揭發這四個高級警官,應該是他咬了其他別的官員。」





大陸憲政學者 陳永苗:「80億美元這個數目是很大的,那也只有搞政變或建立一個國家或者奪權,建立軍隊才需要這種大的規劃才需要80億美元,可能他覺得海伍德介入了這個政治,谷開來就怕他把政變的計畫洩漏了,所以把他殺了,我覺得上面也不願意把薄熙來這個計畫給洩漏出來,所以就切開來審。」



美國《華盛頓郵報》報導指出,法庭出示了據稱是海伍德寫給薄瓜瓜的郵件,在郵件中,海伍德警告薄瓜瓜說,如果不給錢,「就毀了你」(you will be destroyed)。但法庭上,並沒有足夠證據證明,郵件是出自海伍德之手。




採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Gu Kailai Murder Confession: Did She Render Meritous Service to Avoid Death Penalty?

Gu Kailai’s case went to trail.

Gu pled guilty to murder, however, in an attempt to plea
insanity, her lawyer made three statements to the defense.
One was that Gu Kailai rendered major meritous services
by revealing others’ crimes.
So, whose crimes did Gu Kailai expose?

According to reports, Guo Weixiong, the former deputy
director of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau,
Li Yang, the former chief captain of the Interpol Corps
of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, Wang Pengfei,
the former chief of the Yubei District Public Security Branch
Bureau, and Wang Zhi, the former executive deputy
of Shapingba District Public Security Branch Bureau were
sued by Hefei People’s Procuratorate for the crime of favoritism.
They are suspected of protecting Gu Kailai during
the Neil Heywood murder investigation.

Heated discussion led the public to wonder whether
the aforementioned officials are the ones Gu Kailai exposed in court.

Chen Pokong, a political critic, said that on one hand,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) painted Gu Kailai as guilty,
but on the other hand, it also attempted to lessen her guilt.
Her economic crimes were not mentioned in court.
On her criminal charge, the defense claimed that during
Gu’s performance, she rendered a major meritous service.

Chen Pokong: ”Four senior police officers were sued
for favoritism because they attempted to protect her by concealing her murder of a British businessman.
If she performed a major meritous service,
then no one is guilty.
Those protective actions were generated by the murder.

I can’t believe that exposing these 4 senior police officers
is Gu Kailai’s meritous service. She must have exposed other officials.”

The British “Daily Telegraph” reported on August 3,

that the decision of Gu Kailai’s trail had already been
decided before the case was handed to the Hefei court.

Jiang Weiping, a former reporter of “Wen Hui Newspaper,”

told overseas media that the open hearing of Gu Kailai’s
case may reveal facts of the infighting between CCP’s senior leadership.
Gu Kailai wants to survive, and then she must have had
some meritous performance, meaning she exposed others.
Then she must have exposed the corruption of Bo Xilai,
including whether or not Bo Xilai knew the murder of Neil Heywood.

Before was arrested, Gu Kailai revealed the political coup
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai were planning to stage against Xi Jinping.
She confessed that she was the messenger between Bo Xilai
and Zhou Yongkang, and that Zhou Yongkang was aware of her doings.

The Epoch Times News Network disclosed that Gu Kailai
and Neil Heywood co-founded a company in the UK , which sold Chinese bodies and organs overseas.
It’s said that the Bo Xilai’s family funneled many assets
worth at least 6 billion US dollars out of China.

Chen Yongmiao, a Chinese constitutional scholar:
“8 billion US dollars is a big number.
Only an event like a coup, establishing a nation or seizing
power needed 8 billion USD.
Maybe Bo Xilai thought Heywood was politically involved,
and Gu Kailai killed him to avoid his leaking information.
I think the CCP’s higher leaders don’t want to expose Bo Xilai’s
plan to the public, so they separated the case into two trials.”

Chen Pokong said Gu Kailai participated in live organ
harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
Her crimes can’t be measured.

Especially under the CCP system which uses rule of man
rather than the rule of law, it’s impossible that the authority traced the case to this level.”

Chen Pokong: " The cases of persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners are especially terrible cases.
It’s very possible that Bo Xilai and his wife Gu Kailai
did the live harvesting and body trade for profit.
Their crimes are too large to measure.

But we saw in the trial that the court didn’t mention
their economic crimes, and are only touching on a small bit of their surface crimes.”

The U.S. “Washington Post” reported that the court showed
evidence which was said to be an email that from Heywood to Bo Guagua, the son of Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.
In the email, Heywood warned Bo Guagua that
he would be destroyed if he didn’t pay the money.
But there’s not enough evidence to prove that
the email is written by Heywood.

Chen Pokong said Heywood didn’t have reason to threaten
Bo Guagua for money,
because he could have acquired enough money by exposing
the economic scandal of the family of Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.

Chen Pokong: ”Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai were worried that
Heywood would expose their economic scandals
such as the corruption, moving assets’ overseas,
occupying a huge number of state assets, bribery, etc.
That’s the reason why they killed him.
It is not because their son’s safety was in jeopardy.
Feeling threatened is an excuse that Gu Kailai
and the CCP made up.
It’s an excuse to reduce her crimes and avoid
the death penalty.
So, it’s a false motive, and won’t stand completely.”

Chen Pokong also commented that the trial of Gu Kailai
shows that the CCP’s judicial authorities were merely acting.
It also shows that the CCP’s leadership doesn’t have
the capability to handle the Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai’s cases.
It indirectly shows the mess inside the CCP leadership,
which is separated into many factions.
Chen Pokong thinks that only with civil power China will
have a future.
