



















采访/易如 编辑/陈洁 后制/舒灿

Report: The CCP Still Harvests Organs From Living Falun Gong Practitioners

After the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) reported on Oct. 21 and 28 that
Chinese army hospitals and the armed police are suspected
of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners
as well as furnishing investigation recordings of multiple
senior officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
WOIPFG released an investigation report
on Nov. 18.

The latest WOIPFG report points out that the CCP’s organ
harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners is ongoing.

In order to understand the status of organ harvesting from
living Falun Gong practitioners in China, from March
to September of this year WOIPFG conducted a series
of telephone sample surveys.

More than 1,000 doctors in the organ transplant field
in 30 provinces and municipalities of China participated.

The results showed that almost all hospitals with
the capability of organ transplanting are still plotting
to solicit business, and generally indicate that they have
sufficient donors with young, healthy and high-quality
body organs, as well as a short waiting period.

Many doctors promised to provide available organs
within one to four weeks.

In addition, the hospitals said they still had organ donors
from a pool of Falun Gong practitioners, but just using
more obscure words than previous years’.

For example, as a heart surgery doctor as well as
deputy director of the Beijing Anzhen Hospital,
Dr Zeng Wen replied when an investigator
asked him about the source of donors.

Zeng Wen: “I think you also know where the majority
of donors come from.

I think you know this very well, so we don’t need to talk
about this very clearly.

So it is impossible to have these things
(medical checking indicators)."

Investigator: “I know, I have probably asked,
because my family has a member working in the courts,
many of donors are from them."

Zeng Wen: “Ah, ah, ah"
Investigator: “Prisoners, huh?"

Investigator: “Falun Gong donors are the best,
and those people are very healthy, you see.
Can you guarantee me to have this one?"

Zeng Wen: “Ah, let’s end the talk, bye."

The survey report pointed out that since the shady dealings
of the CCP’s organ harvesting from living Falun Gong were
exposed in 2006, under the highlighted concern
of the international community, the CCP has repudiated
the facts by telling lies while continuing to slaughter
Falun Gong practitioners.

Until now a few million Falun Gong practitioners have
been detained as part of the CCP’s state organ donor
resource library, their organs have been harvested
according to the actual needs.

Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China may still be
murdered via live organ harvesting by Chinese Communists.

WOIPFG spokesman Wang Zhiyuan: “Such a massacre has
been executed by the police, prosecutors, courts, judiciaries
and all levels of government agencies led by 610 offices
under the Politics and Law Committee.

The key persons involved in the organ harvesting are all
from organ transplant related medical agencies in the army,
armed police and civil medical institutions.

In a recent report, we discovered that Jiang Zemin
personally issued the command to do so.

The former Defense Minister Liang Guanglie also revealed
that the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong
practitioners has been discussed in the meeting
of the CCP’s Central Military Committee.

This shows that such a matter is an act of state
and once nationwide movement from top to bottom.

The CCP has not yet announced this stop of this movement,
so this thing is still going forward."

Falun Gong human rights organization spokesman
Chen Shizhong: “Organ harvesting has brought
huge economic interests.

Even if they wanted to stop,
it cannot be stopped.

They are making money by killing people,
a business without costs.

Under the rule of the CCP, there are no morals.

Now they cannot stop, as they have just
absorbed the poison."

According to the report released by WOIPFG on Oct. 28,
since the persecution on Falun Gong was launched in 1999,
the General Hospitals of all categories of troops,
General Hospital of the Armed Police,

Affiliated Hospitals of each Military Medical University,
12 General Hospitals of seven Military Regions,
and many hospitals with serial numbers have begun
or expanded the scale of organ transplants.

The transplant industry has brought great profits
to the military hospitals.

For instance, the gross medical income of Organ Transplant
Center of No. 309 Army Hospital, as a key hospital
department earning major profits, has increased
from 30 million RMB in 2006 to 230 million yuan in 2010,
an increase of almost seven times within five years.

In addition to the CCP’s own evil, WOIPFG spokesman
Wang Zhiyuan believes that the lack of pressure
by the international community on the CCP is also one
of the reasons of the ongoing organ harvesting.

Wang Zhiyuan: “The pressure from the international
community is still not enough, because the CCP uses lies
to deceive people and many other diplomatic, economic
and political means to control the international community.

This forced many countries to remain voiceless
on this matter.

So this is due to insufficient efforts of the international
community, and the factual truth and the seriousness
of this matter have not been realized and aware,
so this thing (live organ harvesting) is still ongoing."

According to the news report, on Nov. 16,
the second day of the G20 summit, when Chinese leader
Xi Jinping’s motorcade left the main venue,
he met with the long waiting Falun Gong practitioners.

They highly held the banners, “Bring the Culprits of persecuting
Falun Gong to Justice" and shouted “Falun Dafa is good,"
“Stop the persecution of Falun Gong"
when Xi Jinping’s convoy passed.

Wang Zhiyuan pointed out that Xi Jinping should face
the crime of organ harvesting, and realize its seriousness.

Wang Zhiyuan: “We have collected more than 10,000
relevant suspect doctors.

If each of them carried out a dozen of operation cases
or a few hundreds of cases, some people ] finished several
thousands of cases, then 10,000 doctors should have used
organs from more than one million Falun Gong practitioners.

This is genocide, crimes against humanity equal
to Nazi’s war criminals of World War II.

No matter who he is, he should be unwilling
to take the crime allegation.

Because the nature of this crime is very serious."

Chen Shizhong pointed out that the current CCP leaders
believed that if the CCP could be guarded,
then their power could be at hand.

As a matter of fact, only when the CCP is abandoned,
will they really win the support of the people.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuCan
