【禁闻】中共审议计生政策 多年黑幕被曝光


12月23号,中共人大常委会开始审议关于“生育政策的决议草案”,计划生育新政策允许育龄的独生子女生育两胎。这是中共十八届三中全会的《决定》,也就是中国计划实行“ 单独二胎”。当时官方声称,人口结构巨变、生育率下降、劳动力锐减、老龄化严重、男女比例失调等是生育政策调整的主要原因。





18年前这对夫妇生下第三个孩子,乡政府人员带来陌生人把出生11天的女婴抱走,刘家多次到乡政府探问孩子下落,乡政府不予回答。 2003年他们上诉法庭,法庭不予受理,随后他们多次到北京等地上访,也没有结果。随着媒体的介入,安新县政府成立了专案组调查,今年10月,刘家再次上诉。


在中国,因为计划生育政策征收的社会抚养费也备受诟病。日前,广州市政协委员韩志鹏发微博说,广东省财政厅透露,去年的社会抚养费为26亿1300万元, 而省计生委在此之前公布的是14亿5600万元, 两部门同一数据相差11亿。






采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Does the two-child policy solve the conflict?

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress
has been discussing a two-child policy,
put forward during the Third Plenary Session.

Experts say many abuses and irreconcilable conflicts have
resulted from the “family planning policy" in China.
Any relaxation on the policy does not resolve the violation
against human natural birth law, which means the family
planning policy’s shady practices will only continue.

On Dec. 23, the Standing Committee of the National People’s
Congress discussed a two-child policy for only-child parents.
This two-child policy was decided on during the Third Plenum
of the 18th National Congress.
The officials say the policy is in response to demographic
changes, such as the decline in fertility, labor shortage,
aging population and the gender imbalance.

He Yafu, demographer: “I am opposed to the two-child policy.
The family planning policy should be completely abolished.
Even without any restriction in fertility, the birth rates in China
are still below the standard of balanced generations.
According to polls, Chinese couples are willing to
give birth to 1.7 children on average."

Grievances over the 30 years of the one-child policy
have been constantly exposed in recent years.

In 2011, local family planing officials in Hunan province made
7-month pregnant Gong Qifeng have a forced abortion.
Though the baby boy come out alive, doctors buried him
and Gong Qifeng has suffered from schizophrenia ever since.

On Dec. 24, Liu Laogen and Xia Fengge of Hebei Province
received official notice of a “no compensation decision."
The notice states that the decision was made on grounds that
there is no proof their baby girl was taken away
by the local authorities 18 years ago, and that the case
has exceeded the statutory deadline.
So they would get no compensation.

This couple had their third child 18 years ago.
Local authorities took the 11-day-old infant girl away.
Since then, they have requested to know her whereabouts,
but to no avail.
In 2003, they filed a lawsuit, but the court rejected their case.
They later went on to petition many times in Beijing,
but with no results.

Until October this year when media intervened,
the local government set up an investigation team and
the couple again filed a lawsuit.

Yang Zhizhu, former law professor at China Youth University
for Political Sciences: “It is deceptive to say their case is
denied for taking missing the deadline to carry out their rights.

If they have been seeking closure all these years,
then they have not passed the statutory deadline."

The Social Compensation Fee associated with the
family planning policy is another point of criticism in China.
Guangzhou political consultative committee member
Han Zhipeng questioned on his microblog the differences in
fee statistics published by two Guangdong departments.

The Finance department reports 2.6 billion yuan ($428 million)
in social compensation fees, while the Family Planning
department reports 1.5 billion, a 1.1 billion yuan difference.

He Yafu: “I had questioned the data when the Family Planning
commission released the report.
By the first half of the year, Guangzhou had handled
300 million yuan in social compensation fees,
and it should be 600 million yuan for the whole year.

Guangzhou’s population accounts for only one-tenth of
How can the entire province only collect 1.4 billion yuan?
Even the 2.6 billion yuan, in my opinion, is still not right.
Many fees were collected without an invoice and
won’t be accounted for."

Law professor Yang Zhizhu was dismissed
in 2010 due to an extra childbirth.
He was fined 240,000 yuan ($39,000) and
his wife’s bank account was also officially frozen.
Yang Zhizhu researched the social compensation fee for years.
He says the fee is illegal according to the law.

Chinese media reports say a Shenzhen family planning official
misappropriated 5.6 million yuan ($92,000) of the fee
over three years to pay off his personal gambling debts.

He Yafu: “Many violent incidents have been triggered due to
the social compensation fee, forced abortions,
and forced sterilizations.

It has been very common to
illegally detain couples violating the policy.
Some health departments have secretly encouraged farmers
to have extra births and then collected the fee from the farmers.
They would collect less if an invoice is not requested.
The birth policy has also decreased the quality of the population.
Many people dare not conduct regular medical check-ups,
which has also increased birth defects in China."

In order to bypass the one-child policy, many couples choose
to take birth drugs which claim to increase chances of
multiple-children from one pregnancy.

Medical research has found the drugs to have side-effects such
as liver and kidney failure and ascites in the pregnant women.
Those who are severely affected could end up with amputation,
shock, and hypertension.
This adds to the greatly increasing rate of premature births
and miscarriages, and often, fetal malformations or death.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
