【禁闻】薄案公审 谁在撒谎 外界聚焦











荆楚质问,这个体制是如何选拔薄熙来这样道德败坏、人品卑劣的人、一步步进入国家权力中心的? 而中共提出的控诉,不敢涉及到薄的根本问题,这本身就是在演戏。





采访/刘惠 编辑/王子琦 后制/陈建铭

Bo’s trial: Who is lying?

The recent case of former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai,
ended on August 26 in Jinan.
The judge announced the sentencing date will soon be scheduled.

During the hearing, Bo Xilai claimed that
his wife Gu Kailai’s testimony is “ridiculous",
& his former right-hand man Wang Lijun is “lying."

Some Chinese media found his remarks full of lies,
comparing them to his earlier talks.
The trial was also believed to be a show displayed by
the Communist regime. Who exactly is lying?
Let’s take a look.

Bo Xilai & former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun,
had a confrontation in the courtroom.
On the 24th, Wang Lijun said Bo Xilai used violence.

On the 25th, Bo Xilai accused Wang Lijun’s testimony,
to be lacking in credit,
since he is a person of “low quality”
& thus “obviously lying.”
On the 26th, the prosecutor accused Bo Xilai for retracting
again & asked the court to punish him.

Chinese Internet writer Jing Chu: “It is certainly
a norm to lie for Bo Xilai, being an old face in the regime,
& the son of Bo Yibo a veteran cadre.

I read the court transcripts during the confrontation
between Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun.
I felt Wang Lijun spoke a few truths,
although he was lying too."

Chinese Internet writer Jing Chu pointed out that lies &
violence are the political norm in the Communist regime.
Lying is a must to get things done.
It’s become a natural habit for the officials.

Some Chinese media compared Bo Xilai’s remarks
prior to & during the court session, to be full of lies.

For example, during the National Congress &
the Political Consultative Congress last year,
facing more than 100 Chinese & foreign reporters, Bo Xilai
exclaimed that people have humiliated him & his family.
For decades they have not owned any personal assets.

However, last Thursday in court, Bo Xilai said that Gu Kailai
kept a huge amount of cash in a big safe outside their room.
He also admitted, “Gu Kailai was making a lot of money,
at a minimum of 20 to 30 million yuan."

August 25, in a Weibo microblogging certified by Sina,

it revealed Beijing attorney Li Zhuang’s comment of
Bo Xilai’s defense statement, as false.

Li Zhuang observed more than 70 questionable statements
in just the first two days of the trial transcript.
He believed it has formed a chain of evidence of his crime.

Li Zhuang commented that Bo Xilai made mistakes
with his strong attitude and loose lips.

Independent commentator Li Shanjian:
“There is one thing for sure. Everyone is lying.
The higher the ranking, the bigger the lies. Their shameless
lying reflects the fake Communist party culture."

Li Shanjian indicated, Bo Xilai could have been the next
leader of the Communist regime had it not been for the incident
caused by Wang Lijun.
It shows everything the Communist regime has done
has all been fake for all these years.

Jing Chu asked how a person, as immoral and
despicable as Bo Xilai, could be allowed to step up into
the national power ring.
It is the Communist regime which brought up this interrogation.

However, the regime dares not to touch the fundamental issue.
It is all just simply an act.

Jing Chu: “Bo Xilai has committed so many crimes,
such as conducting the Dalian air crash,
torturing Falun Gong practitioners to death,
organ trafficking, and so forth.
The regime covers them up and allows only
the minor issues to be revealed.
It is simply against people’s wishes.
The whole thing is connected with logic.
However, the prosecution was conducted with selections.
It is illogical."

On the 26th at 9:40am , Jinan Intermediate People’s Court
issued the first days trial of dialogues record.
But strangely enough, a few minutes later, the micro-blog
was deleted & subsequently removed & re-issued twice.

Web users compared the records & found the new trial
transcript had been changed according to the original statement.
“The superiors had sent six instructions to Bo Xilai
to handle the Wang Lijun incident."

This seems to confirm the suspicion of the authenticity
of the transcript released by Jinan court.
It is believed that any sensitive content will certainly
be deleted or changed.
