
【新唐人2013年03月19日讯】有媒体报导说,当今中国,那些动不动就拿“境外敌对势力”来说事的人,绝大多数居然是“裸官”,甚至是“大裸官”﹗如,美国佬“瓜瓜的老爸”就经常把“境外敌对势力”挂在嘴上。而国际医学界著名的学术期刊之一《柳叶刀》(The Lancet),也成为卫生部副部长黄洁夫嘴里的“国际敌对势力”。究竟怎么回事﹖请看本台记者的报导。


据了解,国际医学界最著名的学术期刊之一《柳叶刀》(The Lancet),2011年10月曾发表文章,希望国际社会联合抵制中共政权将死刑犯作为器官移植供体的行为,并且呼吁对中国所谓的“同行”,有关器官移植的研究和论文“不接受、不发表、不合作”。






英国皇家医学会期刊,2007年3月第一百期,以《法轮功、器官移植、大屠杀与我们自己》为题,发表了器官移植医生Tom Treasure的文章。文章指称﹕“最让我恐惧的部分是,如果这是真的,是否就是我的医生同行,那些医生们,犯下了这些罪行。”





采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/李智远

The Lancet an “Overseas Hostile Force?”

Many Chinese officials frequently criticize
“overseas hostile forces", being against China.
Media reports show, the vast majority are actually “naked
officials" whose family members have all immigrated abroad.
For example, Bo Xilai used to mention “overseas hostile forces",
yet his own son Bo Guagua studied in the U.S.
Recently The Lancet, leading journals
in international medical community,
has become a part of the “international hostile forces” in
the eyes of Huang Jiefu, Vice Minister of Health in China.
What is the reason for this? Below is NTD’s report.

China’s Vice Health Minister Huang Jiefu said
in a meeting late Feb. this year,
“In the world, China is the only country that systematically
makes use of executed prisoners’ organs.”
And that “International hostile forces exaggerate this issue,
holding antagonistic attitudes towards organ transplantation publications in China.

Oct. 2011, a most famous medical journal The Lancet,
published an article calling for an international boycott of CCP’s organ
transplantation from executed prisoners.
It also proposed not to “accept or publish articles on organ
transplantation from China or to cooperate with the researchers.”

Taiwan Senior TCM practitioner Hu Naiwen:
“They [CCP] label everyone “hostile forces”: including Chiang
Kai-shek, the Japanese emperor,
and now The Lancet, which speaks the truth about
China’s organ transplantation.
They use such languages to stir up ethnic hatred
towards The Lancet,
one of the best medical magazines in the world …”

The Lancet refused to cooperate with so-called
“colleagues” in Mainland China.
Firstly because CCP seeks profit under the guise of “death row
inmates voluntary donation" for organ transplantation;
and secondly, Chinese authorities cannot explain the explosive
growth of China’s organ transplants between 2000-2006.

China’s public data shows about 10,008 organ transplantations
from 1994 to 1999, and over 60,000 from 2000 to 2005.
The number more than tripled.

In addition, China Daily reported as many as
20,000 organ transplants in 2006 alone.
How did CCP break through the bottleneck of
international organ shortage simply within six years?
According to Minghui Website analysis, China did not
change its modes of trial and execution of criminals between the two
six-year periods.
That is to say, the number of executed prisoners did not triple.

Then what are the sources for the increased
41,500 organ transplants from 2000 to 2005?

British Royal Society of Medicine’s journal published
Tom Treasure’s article in Mar. 2007,
titled “The Falun Gong, Organ Transplantation,
the Holocaust and Ourselves.”
The article alleged: “I fear that if this is true, then the doctors,
our colleagues, have committed these crimes themselves."

Commentator Lan Shu: “All these medical journals
refuse to publish papers on organ transplantation from China
because CCP harvests organs by force from executed prisoners,
living Falun Gong practitioners.
Such inhumane behavior aroused the anger of the international
communities. This is one of the most critical reasons."

Lan Shu said the purpose of medicine is to heal the sick and
to save lives, which is a humanitarian purpose.

Lan Shu: “When they [CCP] remove people’s organs by force,
even when they are still alive, for purpose of medical research,
they have completely stood against humanitarianism,
they have completely deviated from the original intent of
medical developments.
Its only natural the international journal,
in the spirit of life-saving,
will reject CCP’s “medical achievements” obtained
through anti-humanitarian methods.”

Minghui Website reported that, when the international medical
community is unwilling to recognize these “Chinese colleagues,”
CCP coerces medical practitioners to betray their conscience to
exercise the forced organ transplantation, and to violate basic
ethics of the medical profession.
Therefore, CCP is the real “hostile force" here against
human conscience.
