【禁闻】中共十八大开幕 宣布“不改旗易帜 ”















采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/王明宇

No Changes to the CCP After the Opening of the 18th NPC

Recently it was rumored that political reform would sweep
the Chinese Communists Party (CCP) after the 18th National
People’s Congress (NPC) meeting, but Hu Jintao’s statements
during the meeting smashed people’s illusions.
Hu claimed, “We (CCP) will unswervingly hold high the great
banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,
and will not go to the evil way to change the flags and theories.”

Scholars have pointed out that the CCP only makes slight
changes without hurting their own interests, and people should not bear illusions of the CCP.

In the report on the 18th NPC, Hu said, “The theme
of the meeting is to hold high the great banner of socialism
with Chinese characteristics, emancipate the mind,
reform and open up with the guidance of the Deng Xiaoping
Theory, the Three Represents Thoughts and the scientific
development concept."

Hu stressed that during the reform and opening up
of the last three decades,
the CCP had unswervingly held high the banner
of socialism with Chinese characteristics,
and has not taken the old route of closed rigidities,
nor the evil way of changing the flag and theories.

Senior political and economic commentator, Lin Baohua,
said the CCP had never been ready for a reform.
Without criticizing Mao Zedong, China would not be able
reform politically, but if they abandoned Mao Zedong, the CCP’s legitimacy will run into problems.

Political and economic commentator Lin Baohua:
“The one-party dictatorship was initiated by Mao Zedong.
China has not criticized that at all.

Issues related to Mao Zedong cannot be discussed,
including the Anti-Rightist Campaign and the Cultural Revolution.
Without discussions, how could you know what his sins are?
So many Chinese people still worship Mao Zedong."

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily News said that people’s yearning
for democracy from the CCP is just wishful thinking.
It pointed out that in the meeting, the CCP representatives
and delegations are not allowed to nominate Central
Committee members alone or jointly, and candidates
can only be nominated by the board.
That is to say, the party represents only have the right to vote,
but not the right to make recommendations, or dispute.
Personnel issues are all decided by the Standing Committee.

Political critic Meng Yuanpei:
“Everything has been decided before the meeting.
The competitive election talked about online is all nonsense,
because every detail has been decided.
So I think when the new Standing Committee members take
position, there won’t be a radical change.
There is no complete change in politics, just some
minor changes."

From the Standing Committee member list of the 18th NPC,
it can been seen that there is nothing new in the new term.

The former General Secretary Jiang Zemin is not only listed,
but also listed just after current General Secretary Hu Jintao, ranking No. 2.
Other CCP veterans, including Li Peng, Wan Li, Qiao Shi,
Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Song Ping, Wei Jianxing, Li Lanqing,
Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng and Luo Gan, are all members
of the Bureau Standing Committee, and ranked just below the current Politburo members.

The 18th NPC basically followed the patterns of the 16th
and 17th NPC.
The General Secretary of NPC is Xi Jinping,
the next president.
Deputy Secretaries are Liu Yunshan,
the director of Central Propaganda Department,
Li Yuanchao, the director of Central Organization Department,
and Li Zhanshu, the director of the Central Office.
The main difference between the 18th and the 16th is less
senior officials are in charge of political and legal system,
verifying the rumor that the Political and Law Commission
would not join in the Standing Committee.

Political critic Meng Yuanpei believes that although Hu was
the manipulator of the meeting,
he must safeguard the interests of the CCP as a group,
and will inevitably refer to weigh-ins of Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and other leftists.
Nothing will fundamentally change.

Political critic, Meng Yuanpei: “Hu, Wen,
and Xi have relatively large amount of power,
but they also engage in a balance of power,
and take care of those old officials.
For example, Liu Yunshan is the Deputy Secretary-General,
but he is the most left person, and he will certainly be in the Standing Committee.
Liu Yunshan, Li Yuanchao, they are just trading;

Hu took one person, and then the Jiang faction will
also take a person to maintain a balance."

Oriental Daily News pointed out that the CCP factional
struggles became more and more intense,
and even fighting for positions directly took place,
and contradictions were shown in public.
The situation is like the eve of the downfall of the Soviet
Communists, the party meeting had no rules at all.

However, Meng Yuan Pei cited the reason the Politics and
Law Committee did not join the Standing Committee is not because of the people’s discontent,
but because the danger of excessive power of the Politics
and Law Committee was seen from the Bo Xilai event.
