

美國電腦安全公司Mandiant 2月19號發表報告說,中共軍隊的一個秘密單位,有可能是最近一系列黑客襲擊的幕後黑手。這家公司表示,他們查明瞭黑客攻擊的源頭藏身於上海市郊一處12層高的無名建築裡。













Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Army Most Likely Behind Cyber Attacks

The US computer security firm Mandiant released
a report on Feb. 19th.
Mandiant traced the attacks back to a CCP military
secret unit that could behind other recent cyber attacks.
Mandiant said they have identified the source of attacks
coming from a 12-storey building in suburb in Shanghai.

The report said, the hackers designated
“Advanced Persistent Threat 1 (APT1).
Since 2006, the hackers have stolen massive quantities of data
from more than 150 organizations in 20 major industries.
This includes information and financial industries,
most of the targets were the US companies.
The stolen information includes company acquisitions and
senior managers’ emails and related contents.

Mandiant has identified the hackers as a Chinese military unit
in a building in Shanghai, army code named “unit 61398”.

Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman repeatedly
denied Mandiant’s charges at a routine press briefing on Tuesday.

Zhao HongXia’s Lawyer: Special Issues To Expose

On Feb. 18th, Zhang Zhiyong, lawyer of Zhao Hongxi, the
main woman of Chongqing sex tape scandal, published a
statement on his Sino Weibo saying that Zhao is
still under investigation.
Rumors said that Zhao had improper relationship with
11 officials, it isn’t the truth, lawyer Zhang added.
For the question about Zhao Hongxia’s marriage, Zhang
refused to answer saying that nothing to do with the case.

Deutsche Welle reported that Zhang Zhiyong said there are
special issues in the case, now isn’t convenient to disclose.
However, it will be publicized in due course.

In addition, Zhu Ruifeng, who exposed the sex tape,
was interviewed by Deutsche Welle on Feb. 19th.
He told media that Chongqing authorities were eager
to arrest Zhao Hongxia.
They are worried Zhao will expose more corrupt officials.

Petitioners Spent Two Months Trying To
Meet Wang Qishan In Vain

On Feb. 19th, at least 70 petitioners came to the front gate of
Beijing Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).
Petitioners held banners requesting to meet
the secretary Wang Qishang.
The petition has been on for nearly two months.
However, petitioners still haven’t met Wang.

Radio Free Asia cited petitioners that they went on
petitioning for many years, but with no result.
Now they went in front of CCDI’s building, not for appeal,
but to request CCDI fulfill their responsibilities.
To monitor every departments and help civilians to
solve their problems.

The report cited petitioner Li Qing from Liaoning that they went
there everyday to see Wang Qishan come and go to work.
They just stand there without shout slogans.
They didn’t do any activities, just requested to meet Wang Qishan.
