【禁聞】大陸為何錯過iPhone 6首發

【新唐人2014年09月12日訊】大陸為何錯過iPhone 6首發

美國「蘋果公司」的iPhone 6 和iPhone 6 Plus手機,9月19號將在一些國家開售,但是,作為世界最大手機市場的中國大陸,卻未能進入首發地名單,令外界感覺蹊蹺,箇中原因也讓海外媒體猜測紛紛。

美國科技新聞網站《ZDNet》9月10號報導說,將中國大陸排除在首發地之外,是「蘋果公司」對中國電信運營商提前泄漏iPhone 6細節情況的憤怒報復。

不過,美國《紐約時報》的報導卻說,是中共的監管部門造成了iPhone 6在大陸市場推遲出售。








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The iPhone 6 First Sales Missed in Mainland China?

On Sept. 19, Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
mobile phones will be on sale in some countries.

However, as the world’s largest mobile market, China
failed to be listed on the sales country list.

It triggered speculation among foreign media.

On Sept. 10, US technology news website ZDNet reported
that the exclusion of China mainland is revenge from Apple
after the Chinese telecom operators leaked iPhone 6 details
in advance.

However, the US New York Times reports it was the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) regulatory authorities who postponed
the iPhone 6 sales in the mainland market.

The report quoted mainland operator managers saying the
new phone didn’t seem to get sale approval from the CCP.

In July, the CCP mouthpiece CCTV said the iPhone
might be a threat to national safety.

However, Apple immediately denied the allegations.

Over 60 Hong Kong Scholars Sign Supporting
Students’ Strike

On Sept. 11, at least 60 scholars and nine college associations
in Hong Kong launched a signature collection to support the
Hong Kong university students’ strike from September 22.

The joint signature letter, entitled “Don’t leave the students
alone to strike” called on Hong Kong society, especially the
education sector to cherish the students’ heart for democracy
and justice and give students total support and protection.
It asked that people wear a yellow ribbon during the student
strike so they don’t face the White Terror alone.

The scholars say they are sad and angry as teachers and
citizens as Hong Kong democracy is repressed and forced out.

However, they will stick to their position to undertake the
responsibility instead of giving up.

The signatories hope all college and university teachers can
be considerate of and tolerant towards absent students who
participate in the social movement; and avoid examinations
during the strikes.

Also they hope those teachers will provide extra lessons,
tutoring or class recordings for them.

Guo Feixiong’s lawyers Refuse Court Appearance

Mainland activist Guo Feixiong was suspected of assembling
a crowd to disturb public order.

On Sept. 12, the trial will be in Guangzhou Tianhe District

On Sept. 11, Guo Feixiong and his attorneys issued a

They decided to boycott the trial because the court didn’t
allow the lawyers to copy the files.

In prison, Guo Feixiong said in a statement that if the trial
continues as planned on Sept.12) it will be wrong and illegal.

He will remain silent throughout the trial.

On Sept. 11, Guo Feixiong’s two attorneys Zhang Xuezhong
and Chen Guangwu also issued a joint statement which said,
“we cannot offer an effective defence through failure to
replicate the core evidence.

Therefore, the lawyers will not appear in Sept. 12 trial.”

Guo Feixiong was on trial for participating in the support
activity of last year’s Southern Weekend New Year Message.

His other charges include making a proposal for public
official property declaration and a proposal for the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) National People’s Congress to
implement international human rights conventions.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
