










中國資深法學專家趙遠明 「他(薄瓜瓜)涉案,不光是涉案一般的事,或者一般的知情人,他是一個參與人,而且還是一個比較積極的參與人,所以對於薄瓜瓜來講,在薄熙來這個案件當中,就應該給薄瓜瓜通緝,然後輯拿歸案,因為他作一個共同犯罪人來講的話,沒有任何理由可以寬恕薄瓜瓜。」






採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

China’s State-Owned Media Suggest to Arrest Bo Guagua is just a Show

Bo Xilai’s trial has finished and the verdict is expected.Recently Bo’s son, Bo Guagua was pictured with a cheerful smile partying with friends in the US.The son’s cheerful manner annoyed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).The state-owned media said that Bo Guagua is Bo’s accomplice, China should issue a “global arrest warrant" to bring him back.Lawyers said that Bo Guagua was deeply involved inhis parents’ crimes, he certainly should be investigated. However, the media mentioned the “global arrest warrant",which is likely just a show.

On 2nd September, Beijing Daily reported that Bo Guagua seems to not have been affected by his parents’ trial, as he appeared with a brilliant smile in a gathering in the Columbia Law School.

The article said that during five-day trial of Bo Xilai,it exposed that Guagua was deeply involved in the crimes.Guagua not only played an important role in his parents’ crimes, but also benefited from his parents’ ill-gotten money, including accepted interests from Xu Ming.

The article claimed that Guagua is a “fugitive" suspect.He is not qualified to speak for his parents abroad.Not matter whether the CCP has reached agreement with Bo before his trial to protect Guagua, the authorities should issue a “global arrest warrant" to bring Guagua back to China.

Jiang Tianyong, China-based human rights lawyer:" Naturally, Guagua should be investigated.Prosecutors can try him in an isolated case.If his case is an isolated, how can one deal with it?Once the public’s focus has been diverted away from this case,there won’t be any result.However, the authorities can formally or vigorously investigate him, they reserve their rights in what to do."

Wang Beiji, current affairs commentator analyzed that the CCP media’s demand to arrest Guagua, is just a show.The CCP will not openly arrest Guagua.

Wang Beiji, current affairs commentator: Because Bo has brothers and sisters, Gu Kailai also has brothers and sisters.There is a large princelings network existing in China.If the authorities openly arrest Guagua, it will be associated many issues.It will result in a separation and big effect among the princelings.

Bo Guagua was born in 1987, he has enrolled in Columbia Law School in New York this year.On March 15, 2012, Bo Xilai was sacked.Guagua’s mother Gu Kailai was given a suspended death sentence for murdering British businessman Neil Heywood.Guagua was studying at Harvard at that time, he has never returned to China since.

On 19th Augurst, Guagua issued a statement.He claimed that if his well-being had been bartered for his Father’s acquiescence or his mother’s further cooperation, then the verdict will clearly carry no moral weight.

Bo was accused of accepting bribes via Gu Kailai and Bo Guagua from Tang Xiaolin, a businessman in Dalian and Xu Ming, CEO of the Dalian shide Groups.

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese senior legal expert:" Bo Guaguawas deeply involved in the crimes.I don’t mean a general involvement, or if he knew inside stories, Guagua is an accomplice. And an active accomplice.Thus, Guagua was involved in Bo’s crimes, he should be arrested and brought back to China."

Zhao Yuanming points out that Bo Guagua is not only an accomplice in Bo’s case, but also in Gu Kailai’s.

In August 2012, Gu Kailai said in court that she killed Heywood, as Guagua has been threatened by him.Bo Xilai also testified that Heywood had requested Guagua to pay a £14 million ($22 million) project commission.

Japan’s Asahi Shimbun revealed in 2012 that Gu admitted that she had transferred $6 billion to the US and UK via her relatives and friends.

Zhao Yuanming: “The money that Guagua possessed should be confiscated.As the money he held is a great amount and is ill-gotten moneywhich was stolen from civilians.Thus it should not be deposited overseas. Neither should they let him enjoy spending it.Xi Jinping should issue a red arrest warrant to bring Guagua back to China."

Wang Beiji believes that the CCP used to operate behind the scenes.If they really wanted to arrest Guagua without causing a great wave,they will use kidnapping, deception, threats and other relatively obscure means to get Guagua back.
