【禁聞】中共厲控「傳媒」 血腥真相「被掩蓋」



據了解,22號《中青報》兩則新聞報導分別獲得「嘉獎令」和「處罰令」。獲「嘉獎令」的新聞內文不足80字,標題為「楊冪短裙玩性感 音樂盛典封后遭炮轟」;而另一則被指為違規轉載《南方都市報》的新聞,標題為「大連屍體工廠疑用死刑犯屍體作人體展覽」,被國信辦批評併發給「處罰令」,罰款500人民幣。



「追查迫害法輪功國際組織」發言人 汪志遠:「大量的用法輪功學員來作活體摘除器官之後,那就必然出現一個問題就是有很多屍體。那麼這樣大量的屍體源源不斷的出來的話,那處理屍體就是個大問題。有可能發現了人體塑化屍體加工廠,就用這種方法來解決他們的屍體。同時又打開了一條他們發財的另一條路。」




腎源聯繫人:「搞得,聽說現在搞得特嚴,知道嗎。找是能找,跟你說白了,我這邊關係呢都得出著錢呢。我也不能讓人家白忙活,像那個朝陽那個–,西城那邊的,海淀。監獄裏面呢就是說像法輪功搞過, 我也跟那個甚麼以前那個大姐說過,是搞過。」





採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/朱娣

China’s Media Strangled for Burying Bloodiness

China’s state media is known as the “mouthpiece”
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The news censorship and “self-discipline”
has been criticized by the global community.
Recent penalties and rewards given to a media outlet
sparked a heated debate among the public in China.
The event seemed relaxed, but may
be hidden with “appalling bloodiness”.

On August 26, columnist Lu Guoping
commented on ‘Tencent Weibo (micro blog)’.
“I saw these two notices on the wall of penalties
and rewards when I went to a media outlet yesterday."

Media reported that China Youth Daily were
given rewards and penalties on August 26.
The two orders targeted for two news reports, respectively.

The rewarded news was about Yang Mi, who encountered
criticism for just winning the title of ‘most popular singer’.
The other one which was penalized was called, “Dalian
corpse processing factory suspected of using executed prisoners’ bodies for human exhibits.”
China Youth Daily was accused of illegally reproducing
the news from Southern Metropolis Daily.
The News Office of the CCP State Council thus
issued a punishment order, and fined 500 Yuan.

Why was the media punished for issuing
or reprinting a news report?
Are there any secrets buried under this official pretext?

The source of bodies for the Dalian corpse processing
factory has recently aroused widespread public attention.
Dr. Wang Zhiyuan, spokesman for World Organization
to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong(WOIPFG),
said that the WOIPFG has long been focusing on the
source of bodies for the said Dalian corpse factory.
The WOIPFG are concerned this is linked to those
imprisoned and missing Falun Gong practitioners.
Evidence shows that many hospitals and prisons in China
have been systematically supplying the corpses from live organ-harvested Falun Gong practitioners.

Wang Zhiyuan: “Plenty of organ harvesting has been
committed using living Falun Gong practitioners.
This gave rise to a problem: how to dispose of lots of bodies?
They might have found that corpse processing was a solution.
Also, with a steady supplies of bodies,
it opened up the path for them to make money."

In 2007, WOIPFG investigated kidney sources for
Beijing-based 307 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army.
A two-month investigation revealed evidence
unveiling a multi-party supply line to harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
The involved parties include the CCP regime,
the police system and the hospitals in China.
What follows is a telephone conversation
recorded on July 25, 2007.

WOIPFG Investigator: “Last time I asked you
about the kidney source. How’s it going?”

307 Hospital organ-source contact: “Ah, you asked
to be in direct contact with prisons for the source of….?

WOIPFG investigator: “Yes,
the source of Falun Gong practitioners.”

307 Hospital organ-source contact: “I can do it for you.
But the channel is very restricted now.”
To put it bluntly, I have to pay my connections
who will contribute in this business.
Like those in Chaoyang District,
in Xicheng and in Haidian.
I’ve used imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners as organ
sources. I told that to some lady client prior to you.”

WOIPFG investigator: “Where did you find them previously?”

307 Hospital organ-source contact: “Ah, in Xicheng District.”

WOIPFG investigator: “One more question.
How could you find out that he (the source) would be a Falun Gong practitioner?”

307 Hospital organ-source contact:
“How to identify it was from a Falun Gong practitioner?
Well, in due course, our chief’s superior authorities will
have someone issue formal materials to you.
So don’t worry. They (the Falun Gong practitioners)
are in prisons now.
Normally after being arrested in Beijing,
they were sent to jails in other regions outside the city.
I look for the (kidney) source for you.

The money paid to the other party
would be at least 200,000 Yuan.”

Wang Zhiyuan revealed that in 2006, China’s hospitals
were very active with organ transplant surgery.
At that time, the Chinese public was not widely
aware of the CCP’s organ-harvesting crimes.
Through the internet, more and more Chinese
people have learned about this bloody evil.
This proves facts about the CCP’s media
control and bloody evil cover-up.
