【禁闻】批马三家推新教育 曹保印遭刑拘















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Accusing Masanjia and Promoting New Education,
Cao Baoquan Detained

Cao Baoyin, a well-known media professional in mainland China,
has been missing for two days.
His wife received a police detention notice on Sept. 25,
indicating Cao Baoyin was detained under “Alleged Crime
of Creating Disturbances".

Cao Baoyin had previously accused Masanjia Labor Camp
as being a living hell in his own internet show.
He also represented parents to protest against the authorities
about interruption of Fengtai’s new educational programs,
people speculated his arrest may related to these issues.

Cao Baoyin is former chief commentator, director of
Media Institute of “The Beijing News", and also served as a
special observer, commentator for CCTV and other media.

He was elected as one of the ten most influential news
commentators in China for 2010.

Deng Fei, director of the reporter department in the
Phoenix Weekly, was the first one online that disclosed
Cao Baoyin was in criminal detention on Sept. 23.

Cao Baoyin’s wife, Ms. Shang Guan, stated Cao originally
went to Nanjing to attend a TV show, but called her on the
noon of 23, and stated Nanjing’s local police had
taken him away.
On the afternoon of 23, police in Beijing’s Fengtai District
searched Cao Baoyin’s home without explaining the reason,
left only a seizure notice, seizing two books, one laptop
and twenty-six discs.
On 25, Ms. Shang Guan was informed Cao Baoyin was
detained under “Alleged Crime of Creating Disturbances".

Deng Fei: All his other friends and I spoke highly of him, he
is friendly and gentle, his position as the chief commentator
of The Beijing News proves he is very insightful, talented.

Cao Baoyin is also a well-known Chinese writer, one of his
books was selected as Sina China Top 10 books 2010,
ranked third in the national most discussed book category,
one of his works was incorporated into school textbooks.

Cao Baoyin founded self-media CAOTV, his news
commentary is very famous due to his outspoken nature.
Last year, after the living hell Masanjia’s inside stories were
exposed by mainland media, Cao Baoyin specially recorded
a talk show in CAOTV.

He said, he was trembling, extremely grief and indignant while
recording, he burst into tears after recording.
He said everything happened in Masanjia made the world
even more horrible than hell.

Cao Baoyin: Hope that through this episode, everyone can
recognize the Chinese dream, is it a dream, or a nightmare?
When will we remove this nightmare through our strength?
Make our mothers and all of us have dignity.

After this talk show was released, CAOTV was forced to
close in September.
This year, Cao Baoyin left The Beijing News, founded a
cultural and creative company for children, also serves as
executive vice president of Central Compilation and
Translation Press’ Children Branch.

Moreover, Cao Baoyin also focused on education, children,
migrant workers, animal protection, environmental protection
and other issues for long time, he is the promoter
of affirmative education.
Two years ago, he was interviewed by official media to
interpret the “educational equity" in the 18th CPC report,
he thought equity means to promote balanced development of
compulsory education and support disadvantaged groups.
He also stated, a household registration system and state-
funded efforts are obstacles to “educational equity", however,
all these comments were deleted by mainland media.

Century Weekly reported, one primary school in Beijing’s
Fengtai District was trying an individualized educational
approach, and Cao Baoyin is the director of this school’s
parent-teacher association (PTA).

However, the school principal received a suspended
investigation for alleged financial issues and management
negligence at the end of April, parents were
beginning to worry about the future of the new education.
Although the principal was reinstated due to parents’
campaigning at the end of May, the Education Committee
still left parents a difficult choice.

They must choose between education innovation and
resources of the official system.

Chinese political critic Wang Sixiang: The authority place
more attention on education activist, the education privilege
can not be cancelled easily.

They do not want the liberals using educational equity as a
breakthrough, to further appeal human rights, they are
particularly vigilant, the pressure is severe.

In addition, sources said, Cao Baoyin took the lead in the
establishment of the PTA, and promoted new education in the
school, he had clashes with District Education Commission’s
leaders, and may therefore have been arrested.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan
