【禁闻】中共新领导层班底 人物去向渐明










时事评论员林子旭:“目前习近平和王岐山联手反腐,主要的打击对像很多又都是江派的人员,十八大之后,江派取得的优势局面一时间似乎全都化为了乌有。最近又有消息传来,胡锦涛在十八大结束后突然袭击,以全退为代价,彻底掐断了江泽民继续干政的路。江不行了,江的马仔们现在也是步步受挫,处处受限,看来江时代 真的是要落幕了。”







采访编辑/常春 后制/柏妮

New Positions for the CCP Regime Leadership

Personnel arrangements for the Chinese Communist
Party central government and State Council will
be determined at the National People’s Congress.
Before formal announcement of the final list,
sources suggest that Politburo member
Li Yuanchao might become Vice President.
Wang Yang, another Politburo
member will become the Vice Premier.

On March 14, the Chairman and Vice Chairman
of the Standing Committee of the National People’s
Congress, and the Secretary-General and members
of the Standing Committee are going to be elected.
This will be at the plenary meeting
of the CCP National People’s Congress.

Reuters quoted sources, saying that in Beijing,
Politburo member Li Yuanchao might become
the CCP Deputy Chairman this week.
This position will enhance Li’s image, and
provide opportunity to play a role in foreign affairs.
This will further consolidate the status
of the incoming President Xi Jinping.

It was reported that promotion of Li Yuanchao may also
show Xi Jinping.s willingness to implement “limited reforms”.

BBC Chinese said that Xi Jinping has foiled the
plan of the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.
Jiang Zemin had planned Liu Yunshan, who is in
charge of propaganda, for the role of Vice President.

Hu Ping, editor in chief of “Beijing Spring” magazine
suggests what may be indicated from this power distribution.
The Jiang faction has been weakened, and
Xi-Li’s arrangements seems more favorable.

Hu Ping: “The problem is that Li Yuanchao
did not enter the CCP Standing Committee.
Let’s consider that he wants to play more of a role in politics.

It will depend on whether he could enter the CCP Standing
Committee at the 19th CCP National Congress in 5 years.
The Vice President can be seen as a spare wheel, and
could be a featherbed, or a step, for further development.”

Cheng Li, Senior Fellow of American
Brookings Institute spoke to the BBC:
“Li Yuanchao represents a lot of social forces.

This includes open-minded intellectuals, the forces
calling for political reform, the One Hundred Person
Project and the College-Graduate Village Officials.
Therefore, it was a sensation in China’s political
arena when he did not enter the Standing Committee.”

According to earlier speculation, Politburo
member Wang Yang will become Vice Premier.

Lin Xizu, commentator: “Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan
are working together on anti-corruption policies.
Most of their targets belong to the Jiang Zemin faction.

After the 18th CCP National Congress,
Jiang’s advantage seems to disappear.
According to recent news, Hu Jintao launched
a surprise attack after the 18th National Congress.
That is, he accepted full retirement as a bargaining chip
to completely cut off Jiang Zemin’s on-going interference.
Jiang is now nothing, and his cronies are
also becoming increasingly frustrated.
There are restrictions on them everywhere,
and the Jiang era seems to really be fading.”

Hu Ping also said that the National
People’s Congress is just a rubber stamp.
In particular, Chairman Wu Bangguo stressed
in his speech on March 8. that the National People’s
Congress should consciously act as a tool of the CCP.

Hu Ping: “The National People’s Congress
is more boring than the CCP Congress.
In fact, the NPC is not as important as the CCP congress,
although the CCP congress itself is also just a rubber stamp.
All major decisions have already been made beforehand.
The CCP just recruits a few people to act at the meeting.
It is the same situation for the National People’s Congress.

In fact, the distribution of high-level power has already
been determined after the 18th CCP National Congress.”

CCP state-controlled media Xinhua News Agency reported
that Yu Zhengsheng was elected as the Chairman at
the first meeting of the 12th National Committee of the
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
23 people were elected as Vice-Chairman.

This includes Ling Jihua, the Head of the United
Front Work Department of the CCP Central Committee.

Ling Jihua is considered as the majordomo of Hu Jintao.

In March 2012, he commanded the Central Guard Bureau
to arrest Bo Xilai, former CCP secretary of Chongqing.
This was when Ling was the director of the
General Office of the CCP Central Committee.
Reuters reported that Ling Jihua, one of
Hu Jintao’s cronies, was previously demoted.
Now Ling has becomes the Vice-chairman of the
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
This is a way to avoid an awkward retirement for Hu Jintao.

However, Jiang Weiping, a senior media professional
living in Canada has provided a different viewpoint.
He suggests that although Ling Jihua got a higher position,
it could be seen as a continuation of Hu’s “naked retirement.”
Ling Jihua moved from the United Front Work
Department of the CCP Central Committee to the
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee.
This means that the secretary or the chief of staff
could not get any benefits from retired leaders.

Jiang Weiping suggests it could be an established principle,
or results from joint discussions between Ling, Xi and Li.
