
【新唐人2012年9月24日讯】9月18号,《大纪元时报》总编郭君、和国际教育发展组织(International Educational Development, IED)首席代表派克(Karen Parker),在日内瓦联合国人权理事会大会现场,向100多位各国代表和国际非政府组织代表,曝光并要求调查中共活摘器官罪恶。欧洲议会副主席爱德华•麦克米兰·斯考特表示,总有一天,中共所有参与活摘器官的人都要为这一罪行承担责任。




欧洲议会副主席爱德华•麦克米兰·斯考特: “当然在适当的时候会有些人为这种罪行承担责任,就像卡扎菲政权或被国际刑事法庭起诉其独裁统治的其他地区发生的一样。总有一天,(这些事情)也会发生在中国这些人身上。”




Organ Harvesting by Communist China has exposed in UN and increasingly caused concern

September 18, at the Conference of UN Human Rights Council
in Geneva, Guo Jun, editor-in-chief of the Epoch Times,
and Karen Parker, the Chief Rep. of International Educational
Development(IED), exposed and requested the investigation
on the evil of organ harvesting by the Chinese Regime.
Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament
Edward McMillan – Scott said that
one day, all the people involved in organ harvesting in
Communist China should be responsible for this crime.

Scott believes the crime of organ harvesting by CCP from
live Falun Gong practitioners’ organs had started since 1999;
it was going on secretly for a many years.

He stressed that we have the responsibility to raise
this issue up loud, to warn the Beijing regime that people are aware of these crimes.

Edward McMillan – Scott: “A few days ago there were
a hearing in Congress on appalling genocidal crime –
perpetrated from several years now by the regime –
of organ harvesting, taking organs from prisoners,
and even live prisoners. I think it is an import milestone.”

Scott said that, one day, all the people involved in
organ harvesting in Communist China should be responsible for this crime.

Edward McMillan – Scott: “And it is, I think, important that
the regime in Beijing knows that we know what’s been going on.
And there will certainly be people held accountable in due course,
as has happened now with the Ghaddafi regime or in other parts of the world,
where the International Criminal Court is pursuing cases
against dictatorship. And one day it’ll happen to the Chinese as well.”

On 19th of this month, two award-winning films that screened
at the Conference of the U.N Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva.
The documentary films, called “Free China" and
“Between Life and Death",
deeply expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners,
as well as the exposure of the crime of organ harvesting.
Many ambassadors, diplomats and NGO representatives
came to watch, and expressed their concern.
Recent years, the international society had aware of
organ harvesting through different channels and has increasingly concerned about it.
However, for the first time exposed at the event of the HRC,
people were shocked.
Those diplomats besides reporting this issue to each of
their countries, and also admires the courage of Falun Gong practitioners.

Organ Harvesting by Communist China has exposed in UN and increasingly caused concern

September 18, at the Conference of UN Human Rights Council
in Geneva, Guo Jun, editor-in-chief of the Epoch Times,
and Karen Parker, the Chief Rep. of International Educational
Development(IED), exposed and requested the investigation
on the evil of organ harvesting by the Chinese Regime.
Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament
Edward McMillan – Scott said that
one day, all the people involved in organ harvesting in
Communist China should be responsible for this crime.

Scott believes the crime of organ harvesting by CCP from
live Falun Gong practitioners’ organs had started since 1999;
it was going on secretly for a many years.

He stressed that we have the responsibility to raise
this issue up loud, to warn the Beijing regime that people are aware of these crimes.

Edward McMillan – Scott: “A few days ago there were
a hearing in Congress on appalling genocidal crime –
perpetrated from several years now by the regime –
of organ harvesting, taking organs from prisoners,
and even live prisoners. I think it is an import milestone.”

Scott said that, one day, all the people involved in
organ harvesting in Communist China should be responsible for this crime.

Edward McMillan – Scott: “And it is, I think, important that
the regime in Beijing knows that we know what’s been going on.
And there will certainly be people held accountable in due course,
as has happened now with the Ghaddafi regime or in other parts of the world,
where the International Criminal Court is pursuing cases
against dictatorship. And one day it’ll happen to the Chinese as well.”

On 19th of this month, two award-winning films that screened
at the Conference of the U.N Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva.
The documentary films, called “Free China" and
“Between Life and Death",
deeply expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners,
as well as the exposure of the crime of organ harvesting.
Many ambassadors, diplomats and NGO representatives
came to watch, and expressed their concern.
Recent years, the international society had aware of
organ harvesting through different channels and has increasingly concerned about it.
However, for the first time exposed at the event of the HRC,
people were shocked.
Those diplomats besides reporting this issue to each of
their countries, and also admires the courage of Falun Gong practitioners.
