




巩胜利:“中国的改革啊,尤其在政治改革方面,几乎是原地没动,这个改革关系到几个方面,一个是执政党的权力,它的权力其本是认为不可动摇的,在这样的框架下你改什么啊? 中国62年来到现在,从来没有表示过老百姓的意见,它所谓的人大也好,党代表也好,都是他指定的,你想想看,这样的环境下它怎么改革?”








另外,今年两会代表们五花八门的的雷人提案,比往届推陈出新,如:卖淫合法化、18岁可以结婚、农村儿童不鼓励上大学、港珠澳大桥塑建“和谐女神”、公民建道德档案、禁止公款消费茅台酒、穷人二胎指标转赠富人等… 。



A “Two Meetings” talk on political reform presented by
Li Keqiang was ignored in official reports.

On March 4th, the CCP’s executive vice premier, Li Keqiang,
attended the meeting for non-partisan and
Social Sciences Association committees of
the Political Consultative Conference (PCC).
During the meeting, a Suzhou University professor of
constitutional law, Yang Haikun,
made an impromptu five minute lecture describing
his personal opinions on political reform.
Though his talk received warm applause,
it was not mentioned in the official report.

On the evening of March 4th, the vice chief editor of Finance
Magazine, Luo Changping, wrote on his Weibo microblog
that, in the PCC sectional meeting which Li Keqiang had
attended, fifteen committees spoke and Yang Haikun was
the last speaker; during his five minute impromptu talk,
he called for political reform and advised the authority
to draft a general outline for the reform based
on research work.
Though Yang’s words aroused warm applause, the CCTV
news reported the meeting without mentioning him.
Luo Changping remarked that Yang’s voice should be heard
by the public.

In an interview after the meeting, Yang Haikun said that
there will be no real success in economic reform without political reform.
He mentioned that he had submitted relevant proposals
before, but not this time.

A Guangzhou Scholar, Gong Shengli, pointed out that
discussions on political reform have continued for over 30
years in China, but they all turned out to be empty talk
under the CCP’s one-party dictatorship.
No matter how strongly the Chinese people demand reform,
the party has attempted to suppress all voices.

(Gong Shengli): “We have hardly seen any progress
in China’s reform, especially in politics. There are several aspects of this problem.
One is that such reform touches upon the ruling party’s
power, which the CCP protects at any cost.
How can you reform anything under such framework?

The CCP has never taken Chinese people’s will seriously
since it grabbed power 63 years ago.
The so-called representatives, in all Party organizations,
are assigned by the authority. Just imagine, could any reform happen in this case?”

On March 5th, the CCP’s premier, Wen Jiabao, delivered the
government work report in which he mentioned the word “reform” 70 times.
He also promised to slow down economic development
and provide better protection of peasants’ land usage rights.
According to a Hong Kong newspaper’s report, Wen’s talk
was applauded 26 times in total, reaching a historical low.

(Gong Shengli): “Wen Jiabao is probably
the loudest advocate for reform.
Just days ago, he still discussed reforms of ‘this and that’
in the State Council meetings.
He failed to reform during the past eight years and will step
out of office very soon.
We all know that the People’s Congress will run another round
of elections on March 15th and Wen will leave his job around the 18th.
It has been even more impossible for him to do anything.”

Before the “Two Meetings,” over 100 Chinese citizens made
a joint statement on the Internet to the People’s Congress,
the Political Consultative Conference and the 18th National
They demanded the establishment of a reporting system
of officials’ properties.

The statement called for the national leaders to prove their
determination in anti-corruption by taking the lead to disclose their properties.
It specifically suggested that Xi Jinping be the first.

The authority didn’t officially respond to the statement,
nevertheless the admonishers were silenced.
Many supporters were also given warnings by local security

(Human rights laywer Tang Jingling): “I did something
similar several years ago.
As the corruption becomes worse and the ‘Sunshine laws’
have been unable to be carried out for years, we can’t wait any more.
The citizens can’t always wait forever. We have to take action,
and express our true wills and opinions.
The property disclosure of political leaders
and their relatives is a good way to stop corruption.”

The former Xinhua journalist, Gao Yu, remarked that
the “Two Meetings” is a meeting of power and wealth, which stands against the people’s wills.

(Gao Yu): “Have a look at the so-called ‘representative
meetings,’ you will find that these are for power and wealth.
The People’s Congress mainly benefits the high-rank officials
and the Political Consultative Conference is for wealth.
In the CCP’s opinion, they are ‘high-level’ people, otherwise
they wouldn’t be invited to join the ‘Consultation’.
In this sense, the representatives stand mostly against
ordinary civilians or intellectual advocates.”

Furthermore, this year’s “Two Meetings” proposals
are even more ridiculous than previous ones.
Such proposals include “Prostitution legislation”,
“Set marriage age to 18”,
“Not encouraging rural students to attend college”,
“Building a statue of Harmony at the
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge”,
“Establish documents to record citizen’s moral history”,
“Forbid purchase of Maotai (liquor) with public funding”
and “permission for the poor to sell second-child to the rich.”

Independent candidate Yao Lifa remarked that, though
the “Two Meetings” should be solemn and important,
it has always been treated as a tool to fool the society
and dupe the people by the representatives.
Their disrespect towards Chinese people’s will and betrayal
to the role of people’s representatives is a huge tragedy for China and its people.

NTDTV reporters Bai Mei, Zhu Zhishan, Li Yun and Sun Ning
