【禁聞】汶川地震四週年 災民仍苦不堪言










創辦「六四天網」的維權人士黃琦:「直到今天為止,官方沒有正式的 賠償。官方唯一所給的一點,嚴格說來不是官方給的,叫做校方責任險,這個險是屬於家長們在保險公司購買的意外傷害保險,與國家的賠償毫無相關。」








(採訪/易如 編輯/李明飛 後製/柏妮)

Wenchuan Earthquake Victims Still Suffer 4 Years Later

On May 12 four years ago, an earthquake disaster hit
Sichuan, heavily devastating the area.
The death toll and missing figure exceeded 80,000.

Four years later, how is the work to settle
the victims progressing?
Has the 『jerry-build』 project investigation given any results?
Our reporters interviewed victims and rights activists.

This year is the 4th anniversary of Wenchuan earthquake,
in Sichuan province.
Media reported a large number of victims are still living
in temporarily-built cubicles in the hard-hit Beichuan county.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily reports hundreds of families
in a town nearby Beichuan still reside in shabby cubicles.
He Guanghua, a retired teacher, says his family of five
have been living in a cubicle with very poor living conditions.
Yet local authorities have ignored the quake victims』 plights.

There are even no light bulbs installed
in shared public bathrooms.

Ms Wong, resident of Deyang city lost her 18-year-old son
when the earthquake hit the 『jerry-build』 project.
Ms. Wong says the official inaction after the earthquake has
left her suffering from harsh living conditions to this day.

Ms Wong: “The government aids nothing, simply passing
the buck. It blamed the earthquake for ruining everything."

Mr. Fu, a victim heavily-hit in Jiangyou city, remarked.
Earthquake victims have been isolated until today, having a hard time.

Mr. Fu: “My housing is located in a rural area,
but isn』t admitted by local authorities.
The factory I worked with only gave me 2,300 yuan
for house repairs. We haven』t even got money to live on."

Ms. Yu lives in Loushui Town. One of her daughters died
in the earthquake.
She didn』t get compensation because she has another child.
Ms. Yu cried during the interview.

Mrs. Yu: “You can’t be compensated unless all family
members die. The officials yelled out these words towards you….”

Huang Qi, rights activist and founder of 64tianwang.com
Commented: “Until today, authorities haven』t granted any compensation.
The only compensation they gave us
is 『School Liability Insurance』.
Strictly speaking, it was not given by the authorities,
but covered by insurance companies.”

Local victims revealed that the authorities just rushed
into building a brick wall outside the temporary housing area.
This brick wall is close to a highway, helping screen it from
the central leaders』 sight when their motorcade passed by.
This will hide the truth of local authorities』 ineffective
disaster relief, the victims say.

Victims add that local officials have put off building
resettlement housing. The planning was not ready yet, officials said.
Many victims haven』t received the relief funds donated
by the civil society. Victims question if the fund was pocketed by some officials.

Hong Kong』s Ming Pao reported that in Deyang city, that
up to 1,000 parents launched a large scare parade.
Parents asked for accountability of the 『jerry-built』 schools.

Jiang Guohua, Party Secretary of Mianzhu City
had promised to solve the problem.
Four years later, no official was accused of liability.
Rather, a series of corruptions were continuously unveiled.

127 pupils were buried under 『jerry-built』 schools in Fuxin Town.
Three officials were recently arrested and investigated.
They are suspected to have pocketed over 10 million RMB
of overseas donations to the victims』 parents.

This outraged over 100 parents of students from
Fuxin 2nd Primary School.
One parent, Pi Kaijian, told Ming Pao: “We kept on petitioning,
and kept on being arrested, but corruptions kept on growing!”
He called on overseas donators to stand out
and ask for the justice for them.

Huang Qi: “I think the authorities should treat
these victims well.
It should purge relevant persons in charge based
on the historical pictures and related information.
It should give the public an answer.”

Huang Qi has received nearly 200 requests for help
after being released from jail.
Huang says these include officially enforced demolitions
in the pretext of 『quake-hit area reconstruction』.
The number of discontent and aggrieved victims grows.
