【禁闻】李东生占央视职便 宣扬仇恨法轮功














“国际教育发展组织(International Educational Development, IED)”2001年8月14号在联合国会议上,强烈谴责中共利用所谓“天安门自焚事件”对法轮功构陷。分析“天安门自焚”视频显示,整个事件是“政府一手导演的”。

IED组织驻联合国人权理事会首席代表Karen Parker 博士,在去年9月18号的人权理事会上,还公开声明“关注中共活摘和非法盗卖法轮功学员器官”的犯罪行为。


采访编辑/常春 后制/孙宁

Li Dongsheng persecuted Falun Gong by using CCTV

Li Dongsheng, the current “610 Office" ( CCP
ministerial level) Director, & Deputy Minister of the
Ministry of Public Security,

was investigated by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.
The media noticed that he was promoted from the media
industry to the political and legal system.

With the continuing exposure of Li Dongsheng’s evil,
his crimes on the persecution of Falun Gong
will be recognized.

As a deputy director of “CCTV", Li Dongsheng
followed the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin and implemented
the persecution policy.

As a media people, Li Dongsheng suddenly
“switched" to the political and legal system!
A media person without any public security experience, was able
to take the position of Deputy Minister of Public Security,
being ranked second out of nine of Deputy Ministers
within the Public Security.
Are there any special reasons behind this?

Li Dongsheng studied journalism at Fudan University.
He was the former deputy director of “CCTV",
and was in charge of the “Focus" program.

The Epoch Times reported, that during his tenure in “CCTV",
Li Dongsheng followed Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun
Gong actively.

He utilized the “Focus" program, making many
of his own news reports to slander Falun Gong.

According to incomplete statistics, from July 21 1999 until
2005,"Focus" had broadcast 102 sets of anti-Falun Gong
programs in prime-time slots, during the six and a half years.

In 1999, it broadcast 70 sets during five months.

Commentator Lin Zixu: “We all know that to run a talk
show program, will cost a lot of time and effort,
including the prior preparation, interviews,
post-production and others.
However, Li Dongshen and his ‘Focus’ team, could make
70 sets of programs in the first five months
of persecuting Falun Gong, almost one set in two days.
In fact, Li Dongsheng focused on concocting the false news
in persecuting Falun Gong, without doing anything else."

In July 2000, Li Dongsheng was promoted to deputy director
of The State Administration of Radio Film
and Television (SARFT) of China.

Shortly thereafter, in early 2001,
the “pseudo self-immolation cases"
took place in Tiananmen Square, shocking the world.

Jan 23, 2001, Luo Gan, secretary of the Politics and Law
Committee at the time,
concocted the self-immolation cases – seven so-called Falun Gong
practitioners conducted self-immolation
on Tiananmen Square.

Li Dongsheng, deputy director and CCP secretary of “CCTV",
repeatedly broadcast the “pseudo-case" content upon
peak TV viewing times.

Liu Yinquan, a Democrat in USA: “For the Tiananmen Square
self-immolation case, he probably followed
Jiang Zemin’s orders.
As he did great on the case, he was able to upsize.
This case is one of the dirtiest water Jiang Zemin
threw to Falun Gong.
It can be said that it is one of the most despicable
and the most shameless things done by the CCP.
In this event, the CCTV rushed in front and played the worst role.
It incited people to hate Falun Gong."

In May 2002, Li Dongsheng was promoted to Deputy
Minister of Propaganda. In 2009, Zhou Yongkang,
Politburo Standing Committee member and the secretary
of Politics and Law Committee,
transferred Li Dongsheng to work as the Deputy Minister
of the Ministry of Public Security.

The Epoch Times reported that, Li Dongsheng produced
many news reports, slandering Falun Gong
when he served as Deputy Minister of Propaganda.

He continued to use his influence at “CCTV" and controlled
the reports on Falun Gong.
He created a record within the CCP: a media of
people, with no experience on political and legal work,

can became powerful figures in the Ministry
of Public Security.

After Li Dongsheng left “CCTV", he continued to manipulate
Sun Yusheng, the deputy director of CCTV.
They published and monitored reports on Falun Gong by
the “CCTV" news channel.
They controlled public opinion on related events.

Since then, Li Dongsheng had become a representative of
Jiang Zemin to take both pen (propaganda)
and gun (police) to hand.

In 2009, Li Dongsheng was promoted to director of
“610 office", from the deputy director position,
which he served at the end of 1999.

He became one of the culprits on the
persecution of Falun Gong.

The International Educational Development (IED), strongly
condemned the CCP’s slander on Falun Gong,
by using the so-called “Tiananmen self-immolation case"
at the United Nations meeting.
By analyzing the “Tiananmen self-immolation" video,
the entire event was hence found to be
“government orchestrated".

Dr. Karen Parker, IED Organization Representative at
the United Nations Human Rights Council,
issued at the Human Rights Council meeting, on Sept 18
of last year, a public statement,
to “concern the criminal behavior of CCP
on illegal organ harvesting,
and stealing and selling living Falun Gong practitioners".

Currently, Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang,
Li Dongsheng and other related people,
were prosecuted and convicted in dozens of countries and regions
around the world with “crimes against humanity"
or “genocide".

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/SunNing
