【禁闻】校长带6女童开房 能再沉默吗?


5月8号,海南省万宁市“后郎小学”有6名六年级女学生失踪,引发老师和家长恐慌。直到5月9号晚上11点,1 名女生到了海口亲戚家,另外3名女生在海口城西镇一出租屋被找到。10号上午10点,在万宁市长丰镇一渡假山庄再找到另外2名女孩。















采访编辑/常春 后制/李勇

School children are molested by a principal

Again, a child molesting scandal occurred
in Mainland China.
This time the perpetrator was the principal of an elementary
school in Wanning City, Hainan Province.
People have condemned such crimes over the years.

School children being molested by teachers or raped
by principals have repeatedly taken place.
What have only a few cases been exposed?

If the public remains silent, what will the future
of this nation be?

On May 8th, six girls from Hao Lang Elementary School
in Wanning City were missing.
On May 9th, one girl was sent to a relative’s home in Haikou;
three other girls were found in a rented room in Haikou.
On May 10th, two more girls were found in a resort villa.

After a physical checkup in a hospital, the doctor told
the parents that six girls have suffered varying degrees of sexual assault.

After an investigation, the police found, from surveillance
video, that four of the girls were in two rooms at a large hotel in Wanning.
Principal Chen entered one room in the evening
and came out of another room in the next morning.
Two other girls spent a night with a Wanning City
Housing staff member.
The media reported later that police arrested two suspects
and six girls were not molested.

On the early morning of May 14th, the Wanning City official
blog claimed that four girls had an intact hymen and two other girls were undergoing further examination.
However, the parents of the five young girls told
a reporter during an interview that on May 10th,
they learned from the doctor that
their daughters’hymens were ruptured.
Therefore, they questioned the official conclusion
and refused to sign a paper.

One girl’s father suspected that their daughter was drugged.

He mentioned that the principal once encouraged
their daughter to have sex with him.
Another parent showed their daughter’s blood-stained
underwear, causing people to be furious.
However, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
mouthpiece, CCTV, reported that
the police claimed those girls took initiatives
to contact the principal.
Ma Yanfen, a Hebei elementary school teacher:
“This should not happen in schools.
Our official departments have to shoulder
the responsibilities.
It is their inaction and corruption causing this to happen.
It has even contaminated the educational pure land."

Lin Zixu, political commentator said that Chinese people
say teachers are engineers of human souls,
and principals should be a model of morality and character.

Lin Zixu: “The CCP is a huge machine.

Its tentacles are (reaching) deeply into all aspects
of the Chinese society, including schools.
Principals of school did not gain their positions through
their abilities and integrity.
On the contrary, many of them were able to find their
footings in the CCP system through their bad character.
Handing your children to people like that
is a huge misfortune of families and society."

A Mainland Internet writer published an article saying
younger girls so easily molested proves this nation is hopeless.
Mainland Internet writer: “In China, the incident in Hainan
has happened repeatedly, and this is not the first time.
When it happens, you feel an excruciating pain inside.

The development of a nation depends
on these young children.
If these children can be easily violated, can you imagine
what the future of this country will be, and how it is going to move forward?"

In 2011, four drunken village cadres from Shaanxi Lueyang
County gang-raped a 12-year-old girl.
In 2012, an official committed a statutory rape
was reported in Henan.
In the same year, a 67-year-old teacher from Xinyang,
Henan molested a number of children.
This teacher is the father of the director
of the local police station.
Lin Zixu hopes to see people stand up
and not only be onlookers.
He asked, “Why were the CCP officials behaving like that
over the years?
Can we say that it has nothing to do with us being wimps?

If people in China continue to remain silent, we cannot
picture how badly the CCP will ruin our country and state."
