【禁闻】港媒:习近平立志平反六四 差时机










汪北稷:“我想六四的受难者的亲属群体,将来到了海外,了解更多这受难者群体的信息、了解更多中共的信息后,他们也会更全面、客观和更系统的观察中共的角度,会看到中共的罪行,唯一的结果是中共必须立即解体,它的罪行由一个公正独立的机构来清算他。 ”


记者/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/钟元

HK Media: Xi Jinping to Vindicate June 4th

Hong Kong media report recently cited an overseas source
that the new Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping detests the ‘speech crime.’
The report wrote that Xi will definitely rehabilitate victims
of the June 4th Incident when the time is ripe.
The news consequently led to an uproar
among Chinese and overseas media.
Many speculations were made
in analyzing whether these news could be true.

The Multiple Face, a Hong-Kong-based magazine,
recently published an article by Jiang Weiping, a former journalist of Dalian’s Wen Wei Po newspaper.
The article was titled,
“Several stories of Xi Jinping, present and past.”
It cited words from an overseas source, revealing how Xi
was imprisoned twice because of his father’s injustice during the Cultural Revolution.
As he suffered from the “speech crime” himself,
he knows very well about how bad it is.
The source said that currently Xi is not able to “pay off
all the debts” from predecessors immediately,
and therefore cannot completely eradicate
illegal imprisonment of petitioners injustice for now.
However, when the time is ripe Xi will take measures
of political reform such as rehabilitating victims
of the June 4th Incident to stop recurrence of suffering
like the one he experienced from his father.

Political commentator Wang Beiji remarked,
each time the CCP had survival crisis in history,
it created illusions of rehabilitation to distract
Chinese people’s attention and cater for the global society.
The purpose of doing so is to prevent its regime
from collapsing.
If the Chinese people only focus on individual cases
or incidents, they will be entangled by the CCP, and overlook the other crimes committed by the party.

Wang Beiji, political commentator: ”The CCP starts again
to create illusions and to build a new image for itself.
These are all stalling strategies to delay its disintegration
and won’t really work.
To protect their benefits for as long as possible,
the CCP always has to fabricate new political “climate.”
They are simply trying to deceive the global community
and the Chinese people by playing such tricks.
If Xi stops with the vindication of June 4th, he is still trying
to save the decadent party, its regime and its affiliations.
Yet, even this is nothing more
than just his wishful thinking.”

‘Mothers of Tiananmen’ is an organization of 123 mothers,
who lost their sons and daughters in the June 4th Incident.
They recently sent another letter to CCP’s “Two Meetings,”
calling on Xi and his government to handle the issue in a just manner.

Zhang Xialing, ‘Mothers of Tiananmen’: ”We believe
this (June 4th) is something that nobody can ever bypass.
If we expect improvement in China’s democratization,
consistent economic development and better lives of our people, this issue has to be resolved.
Now we see corruption everywhere,
and the grudge of our people is surging.
Therefore we expect the new leader to reverse
the previous style and face the truth.
If he doesn’t do that, nothing will be improved,
but on the other hand nobody can tell lies forever.”

Wang Beiji remarked that just as the Nazis had no right
to try their own crimes,
CCP, with its heavy blood debts, is unworthy of vindicating
June 4th, and should not exist in the first place.

Wang Beiji: ”The CCP has committed a lot of new crimes
since June 4th, such as suppressing ethnic minority groups,
suppressing religious people,
and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
Therefore the party is unworthy to talk of rehabilitation,
considering the serious crimes it has committed
during the June 4th Incident,
during the Cultural Revolution, or more recently.
The CCP is a dictatorship regime that is collapsing,
and will fall. Is not entitled to the right to do that.”

Wang believes that the fairest way to solve this issue
is to bring CCP to trial by the Chinese people, under the supervision of the international community.
An impartial legal institution should be established,
to settle accounts with all CCP’s crimes.
The Chinese people should not have any hope in the CCP.

Wang Beiji: ”I believe, if the families of June 4th’s victims
have the chance to go abroad,
they will learn more truth about the victim group
and what the CCP has done.
Then they will be able to see the CCP’s crimes in a more
complete, objective and systematic way.
The only acceptable option is for CCP’ rule to end now, and
its crimes to be tried by impartial and independent body.”

The June 4th Incident is also called
‘Tiananmen Square Crackdown.’
It refers to student-led demonstrations in Beijing in 1989,
which were suppressed by the CCP with bloody massacres.
Thousands of people were killed or have exiled
during or after the incident.
In spite of being denounced by the global community,
the CCP continues to deny the death rate on the square.
