【禁闻】莫言场内领奖 艺术家场外裸奔抗议






自由撰稿人朱欣欣:“他的作品只是表面上看的很热闹、很花俏的技巧,实际上内涵差的很远。他缺乏一种超越性,他虽然暴露了很多人性的黑暗,但是他没有一个博爱的精神,甚至里面没有一种希望、没有一种温暖。 莫言的作品获奖实际上是对诺贝尔奖的一种亵渎,也是文坛的一种灾难。”




除此之外,与孟煌一同来到斯德哥尔摩的中国异见作家廖亦武,也穿着衣服与孟煌一起奔跑。稍早前, 廖亦武还在音乐厅附近的一个购物中心举行演唱和演奏,来表示对莫言获奖的抗议。





采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/君卓

Artist Protest Mo’s Recieving the Prize

Nobel Prize Award Ceremony was held on December 10
at the Stockholm Concert Hall.
Nine Nobel Laureates, including Chinese author Mo Yan
received the award certificates and prizes from the hands of the King of Sweden.
At the same time, many young Chinese students were
organized by the Chinese Consulate to come to celebrate.
But Meng Huang, a Chinese artist living in Germany
went streaking to protest.

Nobel Prize Award Ceremony kicked off with the Swedish
national anthem- Song of the King,
and Stowe, Chairman of the Nobel Committee gave a speech.

Then, the Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature
and Economics were awarded in order.

A member of the Swedish Academy, Wästberg gave a speech
before the prize for literature was awarded.
In his introduction of Mo Yan, he said, “Mo Yan is a poet who
tears down stereotypical propaganda posters,
elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass.”

Subsequently, Mo Yan took over Nobel certificate, a medal and
a $ 1.2 million check from the hands of the Swedish King Gustav.

Zhu Xinxin, the editor of original Hebei People’s Radio said,

Mo Yan’s works had no faith, no compassion for the fate of
mankind, and is a great distance away from world class masters.
Zhu Xinxin said, Mo Yan’s being capable of winning the Prize,
could be related to Liu Xiaobo’s winning Nobel Peace Prize,
which caused contradictions of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) and the Nobel Prize Committee.

Freelance Writer Zhu Xinxin: “His work is just very lively
superficially with very fancy skills.
However, it falls far behind in the connotation.
It lacks a kind of transcendence.
Although he exposed a lot of the darkness in human nature,
he did not have a spirit of fraternity, even without hope or warmth.
Mo Yan’s award-winning works are actually a sacrilege of
the Nobel Prize, and also a disaster of the literary world."

During the ceremony, many young Chinese students
gathered in front of the concert hall.
The female students all wore red coats, and male students had
white towels on head, in the appearance of the movie Red Sorghum.
They also sang “sister move forward boldly”,
and held banners to send congratulations to Mo Yan.

The students said the embassy organized them
to come to celebrate.

Meng Huang, a Chinese artist living in Germany,
went streaking on the snow outside of the concert hall,
which is part of his ’empty chair’ performance art,
in order to urge Mo Yan to take a chair back to China,
and give it to another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo,
who is currently serving a prison sentence.

In addition, Liao Yiwu, a dissident Chinese writer came
together with Meng Huang to Stockholm,
he also ran together with Meng with clothes on.

Some time earlier, Liao Yiwu also sang and performed
in a shopping center near the concert hall to protest Mo Yan’s winning the Nobel Prize.

Cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng: “People are dissatisfied with
the political system, and vented it to the Nobel Prize winner,
Mo Yan. Personally, I think Mo Yan won the prize
at the most inappropriate timing.
If he won the prize before Liu Xiaobo,
or after several years when Liu’s issue gets solved,
I don’t think it will cause so much controversy or
dispute domestically and internationally."

Poet and cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng also pointed out that
Mo Yan’s winning Nobel Prize had divided writers in China into two camps.
They are victims of the authoritarian regime, including Mo Yan.

Ye Kuangzheng said, they fight against the entire authoritarian
system, rather than an individual.
We cannot require every writer to have a political consciousness,
but Mo Yan’s revealing the state of the Chinese countryside is original, and not singing the praises of the (CCP) system.

Ye Kuangzheng: “In the future, if China really wants to walk
into a democratic society, it actually needs the unity of all forces,
or even the basic recognition of various forces, rather than
counteract or boycott each other."

But Zhu Xinxin said Mo Yan’s award-winning can not only
be used to whitewash cultural tyranny officially,
but also mislead young people, letting them believe artists
could split the personality and works.
Zhu Xinxin believes that literature can not be separated
from politics, and
real politics is established on justice and law, not like the
darkness and corruption of the ‘thick black school style’ of the CCP regime.
