【禁闻】美国会:华为 中兴 威胁国家安全

【新唐人2012年10月9日讯】美国会:华为 中兴 威胁国家安全



另外,据《新苏黎世报》(Neue Zürcher Zeitung)的报导,美国众议院情报委员会提出的这些要求的根据之一,是“华为”内部的文件,这些文件可以证明“华为”与中共军队紧密合作。








The U.S.: Huawei and ZTE Pose a National-Security Threat

On Oct 8th U.S House Intelligence Committee sent a
serious alert to its government and firms.
It said two Chinese telecom firms Huawei and ZTE
could be operated by the Chinese regime.
Two companies used their network equipment to spy
in the US, posing a national-security threat.
A draft report, by US House Intelligence Committee,
has taken a year of investigation and completed.

L’Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported on the
draft report which said:
“China has the means, opportunity and motive to use
telecom firms for malicious purposes.”
The US authorities “must block acquisitions,
takeovers or mergers involving Huawei and ZTE.”

According to Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper reports,
US Congressional House Intelligence Committee raised these requirements.
One reason is because of Huawei’s
internal documents.
The documents can be an evidence to prove that
Huawei has ties with Chinese military.

Henan Thief Shot Dead by Police

On Oct.4th a thief was shot dead after police fired six shots
in Wen Couty, Henan province.
Sources said that Mr Li, deputy director of the county’s
security bureau led police to chase a thief.
Li fired six shots, four of which hit the thief after
he refused to be arrested and which caused him to die.
The news was posted on the internet triggering heated debates.

Many netizens blamed police casually killing, requesting the
authority to investigate if the police behaviors follow the law.

Some people said that police can casually kill a thief
sometimes even killing a vulnerable citizen.
This result came from the corrupt rules by the Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee, who puts itself above the law.

Japan Cuts 50% Car Production in China

On Oct. 8th Japanese Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper
reported that anti-Japanese protests happened everywhere in China due to the intensifying disputed Diaoyu Islands.
On the internet there are many calls for anti-Japanese products,
this led Japanese car sales in China dropping down.
Thus, Japanese car manufacturers Nissan, Toyota and Honda
production in China has reduced 50%.

On Oct. 7th the British Observer newspaper reported: “Until
recently the ‘one-plus-one’ investment policy benefited China.
In other words: for every factory built in Japan,
companies also had to build one overseas.
But now Japanese firms will look to support growth in
Indonesia, the Philippines and newly open Burma.” said report.

The report also said that opting for a short-term boost in
domestic support over a deterioration in long-term relations with foreign investors,
looks to be a huge mistake by the
Chinese Communist Party.
