【禁闻】粤放宽维稳媒体 汪洋角逐最高权位


11月18号,广州市花都区建设北路街头,数百民工打着“还我血汗钱”、“我要吃饭” 的横幅,喊着口号游行讨薪,游行队伍前面竟然有警车开路护航,队伍两侧也有许多警员随行。
















Guangdong Eases Media Control

Recently, hundreds of Guangzhou migrant workers held parade
against unpaid wages. Surprisingly, the police escorted them.
Not long ago, several thousand villagers in Guandong Lufeng’
parade were not stopped by the authorities either.
Furthermore, the CCP’ (Chinese Communist Party) Secretary
of Guangdong, Wang Yang, unbarred media restrictions order.
Thus for the first time Southern Metropolitan Daily
published an article about rehabilitation of Zhao Ziyang.
Analysts think with these brave decisions Wang Yang aims
at the highest CCP position during 18th People’s Congress.

On November18, a few hundred Guangzhou migrant workers
held up banners, “Give me my hard-earned money,"
“I need to eat" and shouted slogans during the parade.
Unexpectedly, the police’ vehicles only escorted the parade.

People discussed that they haven’t seen such a strange sight,
for many years demonstrations have always been suppressed.

On November 21, a few thousand villagers held a parade
against village’s election committee manipulations and illegal land acquisition in Lufeng city, Guangdong.
Protesters held banners, “Anti-dictatorship",
“Fighting corruption", “Give me my human rights" and so on.
The parade continued for 2 hours and stopped at the city hall,
however the authorities did not try to stop it.

Wu Fan, Editor-In-Chief of China Affairs,
thinks CCP faces widespread social crises.
To calm down people’ anger without suppression is testing
Wang Yang’ new methods for the so called ‘maintaining stability.’

Wu Fan: “Guangdong is different from Zhejiang,
Zhejiang always uses suppression.
In Guangdong for example the police let you go through
and escorts the parade, so you don’t do anything damaging.
What is good about this? Firstly, they control the protest and
make sure it doesn’t turn into riot, but it’s just a demonstration.
Secondly, having a discussion next time
can give people a sense of wisdom."

Wu Fan points out that the CCP searches for a way
to ease the social crises.
Bo Xilai’s “red culture" and “mafia suppression"
campaign in Chongqing has come to an end.
Can Wang Yang’s new methods of the so-called ‘maintaining
stability’ carry on and bring him the desired promotion?
This would depend on the authorities’ level of tolerance.

Wu Fan: “To allow police cars’ escort is to allow demonstration.
Now there were no problems and complications in the parade.
Next time you can hold banners like “Down the dictatorship,"
“Down the CCP," to test the ground.
Both sides are testing the ground,
protesters and Wang Yang alike."

After August’s Bei Dai He meeting, Hu Jintao visited
Guangdong three times in support of Wang Yang.
Foreign media believes there is no doubt that Wang Yang
will be in the CCP’s Standing Committee.
Shenzhen writer Zhu Jianguo said, Guangdong authorities
adjusted the methods of the so-called ‘maintaining stability.’
Their purpose is to ensure Wang Yang can climb up
in the 18th CCP’s People’s Congress next year.

Zhu Jianguo: “Surrendering to people to reduce the conflict,
if this method makes some progress, Wang will benefit.
Because the CCP’s traditional way is whenever a new fight
for rights happens, they will take some new action.
The latest example is what happened in Guangdong this time,
to give a way to the protesters."

Hong Kong’s Trend magazine revealed that Wang Yang
is a recommended second candidate by Hu Jintao’s side.
The chief editor of Trend, Zhang Weiguo said on October17,
that Wang Yang’s competing manner for the first Chair is even greater with the 18th People’s Congress’ approaching.

On October 18, Guangdong media revealed that Wang Yang
arranged internally to carry out public opinion coverage, temporarily lifting the press control ban.

On November 15, Southern Metropolis Daily in Guangdong
published an article to commemorate former Guangdong CCP Secretary, Ren Zhongyi.
It posted Ren’s last testament: “What Guangdong has today,
is Hu Yaobang’s and Zhao Ziyang’s contribution."
Zhu Jianguo thinks the purpose of this article is to call on
the CCP’ reformists to rehabilitate Zhao Ziyang, and push the future CCP leader toward reform.

On November 17 and 18, Maoists in Taiyuan and
Shijiazhuang burned the Southern Media Group newspapers.
This was in response to Kong Qingdong’s stirring up
Wang Yang to restructure the Southern Media Group.
Maoist cursed Southern Media Group as a “traitor newspaper,"
“controlled by the US," calling for “rooting out the traitors," etc.

Wu Fan: “So each is singing a different tune,
as to let people choose, to let the CCP choose.
This is to see which is the better way, they came across
this important juncture point, this is not a surprise.
CCP has been splitting from top to bottom. Which side will be
able to survive? I think the Southern Group has more chances."

Analysts point out that CCP’s regime is immersed in crises.
China’s great change is on its way.
For the future leaders, wise or not, it is essential to minimize
the loss of lives during the process of CCP’s disintegration.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Li Anan.
