
【新唐人2014年06月14日訊】日前,香港「壹傳媒」公司的一名高管在接受媒體採訪時說,英國兩家大銀行已經停止向香港最大的報紙之 —— 《蘋果日報》投放廣告。輿論認為,這表明中共對香港擁有獨立思想的新聞媒體的打壓,出現重大升級。

「壹傳媒」公司高管、和商務總監馬克•西蒙(Mark Simon),日前在接受美國《紐約時報》採訪時說,去年年底,總部位於倫敦的「滙豐銀行」(HSBC)和「渣打銀行」(Standard Chartered),結束了與《蘋果日報》之間的長期廣告關係。雖然兩家銀行都表示,它們的廣告決定是出於商業考慮。但馬克•西蒙說,真正的原因是中共當局對它們施壓,並給了它們一些業務。


「壹傳媒」是一家既有報紙,也有電視和網路業務的公司,在香港和台灣都設有總部。在所有人黎智英(Jimmy Lai)的帶領下,「壹傳媒」對中共當局一直持相對批評態度。











採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/肖顏

Apple Daily Loses Major Advertisers under CCP Pressure

In a recent interview, a top executive of Next Media Limited
revealed that two major British banks had stopped advertising
in Apple Daily, one of the most influential newspapers
in Hong Kong.
This can be regarded as a major escalation of the
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) suppression over Hong Kong’s
independent news media, some media workers said.

Mark Simon, an executive and commercial associate of
Next Media Limited, recently interviewed by New York Times.
said, HSBC and Standard Chartered,
which are both major banks based in London,
had ended their longtime advertising relationships with Apple Daily.
Both banks claimed that the decision was purely commercial.

Zhang Chengjue, Hong Kong writer:
“That is indeed suppression over freedom of the press.
It is a very bad act by dictators.
Most Hong Kong people should be irritated by that."

Next Media Limited is a company running newspaper,
TV network and online media.
It has branches both in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Led by owner Jimmy Lai, Next Media Limited
has been sharply critical of the CCP authority.

This Wednesday, Apple Daily uploaded a video clip
on its website that sharply criticizes the
Hong Kong White Book released by the CCP this Tuesday.

The video said “A new round of campaign to turn Hong Kong red
has come", “The White Book is only a start."

Sin Chung-kai, Hong Kong Legislative Council Member:
“This is nothing new and has happened before.
But the situation is much worse now.

In the past, most global organs were independent
and unaffected by CCP pressure.
But if HSBC and Standard Chartered behave like that,
I think the problem has become really serious."

Simon said, until last year, HSBC and Standard Chartered
had been among the biggest advertisers of Next Media.
Their dropout is a huge blow to the Hong Kong listed company
In addition, two local advertisers, Bank of East Asia and
HSBC subsidiary Hang Seng Bank,
also ceased to advertise last year simultaneously
with HSBC and Standard Chartered.

Zhang Chengjue:"In a commercial society, newspapers
cannot survive without advertisers.
So Beijing is trying to silence media by this strategy.
Many Hong Kong media had been pressured in the same way.
Consequently, democrats and independents have found it hard
to find a voice on some media.
This time the fact is just shown by another striking example."

Recently, a series of similar incidents have happened in Hong Kong.

Typical are suppression over Hong Kong branch of Epoch Times;
forcible dismissal of Li Wei-ling, a talk show host on Commercial Radio HK.
and knife attack on Kevin Lau, former editor-in-chief of Ming Pao.

Among Hong Kong media, the Epoch Times is the one
that was under most serious suppression by the CCP
as its No.1 opponent there.

For over a decade, the CCP had been intimidating Hong Kong’s media,
political and economic circles with dirty tricks and violence.
However, the Epoch Times is never moved by any pressure or interests.

It sticks to reporting true news with no self-censorship,
including the truth about Falun Gong, severely persecuted by the CCP.
Those moves make the CCP deeply frightened.

Li Wei-ling is a popular radio host in Hong Kong.

She frequently criticized Hong Kong government and
voiced support of citizens’ protests on many issues.

The knife attack on Kevin Lau was even more striking
to Hong Kong people.
They became even more hostile to the CCP authority after the event.

On February 27, the U.S. Department of State announced
its annual human rights report, in which Hong Kong’s
freedom of the press, monitoring of media and
violent attacks against media workers were stressed.

To protect Hong Kong’s press freedom,
a large-scale protest rally was held against it’s suppression.
March 2, another rally was held to protest against
violence against news media workers.

Interview/ZhuZhiShan Edit/WangZiQi Post-Production/XiaoYan
