【禁聞】習近平捧毛 憲政夢開左燈向右轉


1月5號,中央黨校「十八大精神研討班」上,新任七常委全部亮相。習近平發表講話,大談「道路是黨的生命」 、「堅持鄧小平理論、三個代表、科學發展觀」,「毫不動搖的堅持和發展中國特色社會主義、堅持馬克思主義觀點」等。














採訪/易如 編輯/許旻 後製/陳建銘

Xi Jinping Flatters Mao Is Constitutionalism Making a Right Turn
While Left-turn Light is On?

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CCP
first visited Shenzhen after being elected,
from there he presented flowers to
a statute of Deng Xiaoping.
His image as a “reformer” has been established successfully.

However, meanwhile he flatters Mao Zedong’s thought
on many occasions and he also quotes Mao’s poems here and there.
Some commentators think that this is a typical political tactic
adopted by the Party leaders, which is “turning on left-turn light but making a right turn.”
Where will Xi & Li direct China’s reform to?
Please read the following analysis.

On January 5th, all seven newly-elected Standing Committee
members showed up in the “Discussion Session of the Spirit of the 18th National Congress”,
which was held by the Central Party School.

In the discussion session, Xi Jinping gushed over
“The Path is the life of the Party”,
“Following the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s theory,
the three ‘represents’ and the scientific development concept”,
and “Firmly adhering to socialism with
Chinese characteristics and Marxism.”

Xi Jinping earlier established his image for not talking
in bureaucratic jargon and supporting constitutionalism.
However, this time Xi made a lot of empty talk and
he even quoted poems of Mao Zedong, which has damaged his image fatally.

Cai Yongmei, Editor of HK “open" magazine:
“Xi’s case is similar to that of Deng Xiaoping.
Deng agreed with Mao after he returned back to the
political stage. It was Mao Zedong who seized power by force.
Deng Xiaoping, Xi Jinping and Jiang Zemin all inherited
the power from Mao Zedong.
If they negate “Mao Zedong’s Thought”,
it would be controversial for them to inherit the power.”

Xi Jinping also emphasized, “We shouldn’t negate the
historical period before ‘reform and openness’ by using the period after ‘reform and openness’.
”Xi’s viewpoint is totally consistent with
‘The Second Volume of the CCP History’ published in 2011.
Xi supervised the publishing of the book which affirmed
that “anti-rightist” was correct and
that the economic development path during the
Great Cultural Revolution was correct.

Some commentators think that Xi Jinping’s recent
remarks contradict remarks he made earlier about actively promoting reform.

Li Datong, Chief Editor of “Freezing Point", Stated that
Xi and Li can only reform by negating the 30-year long period of Mao Zedong Thought.

Li Datong: “Without negating the former 30 years,
there wouldn’t be later 30 years.
Mao Zedong Thought has to be denied.
Not only should it be denied, it should be eradicated.”

In fact, Xi Jinping and his family were severely
persecuted in the Great Cultural Revolution, which was initiated by Mao Zedong.
Similar to all other victims, Xi should have had
a clear vision on the historical mistakes made in the Great Cultural Revolution.
However, based on the analysis by Chinese Scholar
Yao Jianfu, as a CCP princeling, Xi Jinping has some natural feeling for Mao Zedong.
This can be seen as due to his family background and
the education he received.

Cai Yongmei thinks that a lot of people, including
the Party leaders in China have dual-personality because of the complex political environment.
For personal interest and power, they often speak
in one way and act in another. It’s very confusing.

Cai Yongmei: “Xi Jinping himself was persecuted by
Mao Zedong.
Xi Jinping’s family, his father and himself were all
severely persecuted in Mao Zedong’s time.
If Xi still claims that the former 30 years were correct,
it’s really ridiculous. What Xi should do now is to negate those 30 years of Maoism.”

On one hand Xi flatters Mao Zedong,
on the other hand he chants “reform”.
About this phenomenon, Li Datong thinks that Xi is
actually turning on left-turn light but making a right turn.
It means that he is holding up a “leftist” flag,
but what he is doing might be “rightist” things.
For example, Deng Xiaoping proposed
“Socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
This slogan has stopped people from saying that he was
“turning on left-turn light but making a right turn.”

Cai Yongmei further stated that Xi’s flattering
Mo Zedong is to appease the “leftists”, that is, to balance the Party’s internal conflicts.

Cai Yongmei: ”Xi Jinping needs to settle the leftists.
Therefore, politically he is fighting against both rightists and leftists,
this is just like what Deng Xiaoping did.
Xi is doing all of this to maintain his power.”

Cai Yongmei thinks that Xi Jinping is not as
politically strong as Deng Xiaoping, based on his recent performance.
Most likely Xi might only do something to
“maintain the regime” on the surface.
However, Cai Yongmei stated that everything is a
mere formality if the CCP’s regime system is not changed.
There is nothing to expect in the so-called
“reform” proposed by Xi Jinping.
