【禁聞】民間漫畫諷剌5.10爆炸案 網友叫好

【新唐人2012年5月18日訊】雲南巧家縣爆炸案已經過去一週,官方至今沒有給出合理的解釋。在巧家縣公安局等部門召開的所謂「5•10」爆炸案通報會上,雲南警方對外宣佈,爆炸案製造者是「外地男性 趙登用」所為,否定了早前媒體報導的「一名婦女帶著一歲多的孩子進行自殺性爆炸」。對於官方的不同版本,當地民眾表示不信,要求當局還原真相。為此,大陸民間漫畫家作了一組漫畫小品,諷剌當局漏洞百出的謊言,這則漫畫在互聯網上發佈後,瞬間爆紅。大陸人士表示,這幅漫畫是當局對民眾強拆的真實寫照。













Civil comic artistry work become popular online as it lampoons the authority handling of the explosion in Yunnan

One week after the bombing occurred in Qiaojia County,
Yunnan province, the CCP authority has yet to provide a convincing explanation.
During the press conference held by the police bureau
of Qiaojia County, it was announced that the explosion was created by a nonlocal male, Zhao Dengyong.
This ran counter to the earlier media report which said
a woman with a one-year-old baby made a suicide attack.
However, local residents showed their distrust of the official
version of story and called for the authority to reveal the truth.
Recently, a Chinese comic artist produced a comic work
to satirize the CCP government‘s seriously flawed lie.
His work has become extremely popular on the Internet
in a short time.
Some Chinese remarked that, these comics are real
reflections of the CCP authority’s illegal demolition of civilian homes.

One week after the explosion in Qiaojia, Yunnan, the county
police bureau and several other governmental sections held
a press conference to announce “the truth” behind
the May 10th explosion.
Deputy Chief of Qiaojia County and local police chief
Yang Chaobang told the journalists that the bomber
was not someone from a “demolition household,”
or any female with a surname of Li.
Rather, the bomber is a jobless man called Zhao Dengyong
who had tendency to seek revenge on society.

The official evidence provided in the press conference is
the alleged suspect‘s online chat history and his diaries which showed an eccentric and extreme personality.
A video was also played to show that Zhao had been
wandering at the scene of the explosion for four minutes.

However, Chinese netizens analyzed the official story
and concluded it is a seriously flawed lie.
A young civil comic artist named Xiaomao hence created
a sarcastic comic work.
In his comic, the “Qiaojia County” (meaning skillful family
in Chinese) was changed to “Benjia County” (meaning clumsy family in Chinese),
and the CCP departments such as demolition office,
police bureau and petition office were assimilated
to the “Office of Three-All” which policy is “burn all,
kill all and loot all.”
The comic became extremely popular soon
after being released online.
Many netizens applauded the author and praised him
as being greatly talented.

Huang Qi, founder of 64tianwang.com remarked that
the Chinese generally described the illegal demolition
as the “Three-All Policy”, which was executed by
the Japanese in China during World War II.
This was because the authority usually first restricted
freedom or detained a homeowner before the demolition,
then dispatched the demolition group to destroy the house
and took away all the possessions in it.

Huang Qi: ”We can say that this comic depicts the real
situation behind the demolition in China mainland.”

Regarding the bombing incident, a netizen named “Tianyou”
revealed on a micro-blog that the bomber was a female with the surname of Li.
Allegedly, her husband died several days after being
detained during a demolition;
she was then called to sign to receive her husband’s bone ash,
but instead she chose to take the bomb and her baby with her.
“Tianyou” mentioned that over 20 were injured
in the explosion, and at least 6 were killed.

On the other hand, the authority reported on May 11th that
the bomber was a male called Zhao Dengyong who was one of the four deaths in the incident.
The report also denied any relationship between the local
demolition office and the bombing.

Local villagers appeared distrusting of the official story.

A Qiaojia villager commented that demotion must be involved
in the incident, otherwise no one would choose a suicide bomb.

Qiaojia villager: ”What’s wrong with that person
if he made an explosion without any clear reason?
If you have nothing to do with the office, why do you
sacrifice your life to attack the building?
It’s not like in the street, right?”

Zhao Dengyong’s family members also presented five
questions about the explosion.
Local residents and netizens are demanding the authority
provide a more reasonable, truthful explanation.

According to the villagers, conflicts induce by land acquisition
take place frequently in Qiaojia County in recent years.
During the compulsory land acquisition, the authority only
agreed to compensate 24170 Yuan per mu of land.
However, they could sell the land to developers at 1000 Yuan
per meter square, which is 27 times the compensation.
Therefore almost no villager was willing to sell their land.

Six days before the explosion, a resident of Baihetan
Township, Yang Yuqiang, burned his motorcycle at the signature spot of land acquisition.
On April 18th, a resident of another township of Qiaojia
County Ding Fazhao was beaten to death by the authority’s hired thugs when he resisted the demolition.
