【禁聞】經濟政策難定調 十八大前各自盤算


中國大陸「國家統計局」8號公布:中國11月份的通脹率和工業產能雙雙下降。 9號,「中共政治局」召開「定調會」聲稱,明年將加強經濟調控,在保持經濟增長的同時繼續控制通脹。









不過,海外評論認為,中共政府2012年的經濟政策,對解決中國當前的經濟危機作用不大,「美國環球通視公司」(Global Insight)中國經濟學家桑頓(Alistair Thornton)說,中國若要徹底戰勝通脹,還為時過早。


China’s Economic Policy a Challenge

The Economic Working Conference of the Central Committee
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is regarded as the key macroeconomic policy meeting to set the tone for the new year.
It is usually held annually at the end of November.

However, this year it is set for December 12,
delayed for over ten days, which is rare.
The special meeting for setting the tone for the Economic
Work Conference was also postponed to December 9.
Foreign media pointed out, the delay reflects CCP’s internal
economic and political disagreements prior to its 18th Congress.

China』 National Bureau of Statistics announced on December 8,
that the inflation rate and industrial production in November have both declined.
On December 9, the CCP Politburo held a setting the tone
meeting for the Economic Working Conference.
They claim next year they will strengthen economic regulation,
continue to control inflation and maintain economic growth.

Prof. Xie from University of South Carolina-Aiken』 Business
School thinks the communist regime is in economic collapse.
The housing and stock market are on the verge of collapse.
The entire funds chain and finance are heading toward crisis.
The Economic Working Conference had thrown a way out
to protect CCP’s regime from what is on this background.

Prof. Xie: “Why should we control inflation?
It’s because China’s inflation has been out of control.
More than 15% inflation makes people full of complaints,
which has directly led to social instability.
They control inflation in order to pacify the people,
safeguard social stability and the regime’s stability."

Prof. Xie doesn’t believe the ‘real estate control policy,’
proposed at the conference, can solve practical problems.

Prof. Xie: “It was not fully effective because they (CCP) are
suppressing housing prices, which touched local elite’s interests.
When the capital investment funds collapsed and market
prices went down, this did not promote house selling.
When the house prices go down, people will be more worried
because they do not know how much the prices will drop.
If house prices continue to fall, people will see
their down payments being engulfed.
The Chinese people have gradually seen that the black hand
behind the real estate bubble is the elite class."

Since the end of 2007, China has adjusted the direction
of macroeconomic policy six times.
However, it is still difficult to stop
the momentum of China’s economic collapse.
Chinese Minister of Commerce admitted on November 28:
“It is certain that the Chinese economy will face risks of going down next year."

This setting the tone meeting of CCP’s economic work
was postponed this year.
It shows the CCP leadership can’t do much
for the Chinese economy,
and it is clear that the CCP faces difficulties to set the tone
for the coming year’s economic control policies.

A review article revealed that the high-level CCP
has disagreements over the next year’s economic policy.
This is related to the 18th CCP Congress Meeting.
Each faction defends its own interests’ plan.

Wen Jiabao will hand over power next year,
and certainly does not want to do anything wrong before that.
Thus he wants stability in the economic policy,
not like in 2008, spreading the money in a high profile;
Wen will not completely tighten the purse strings,
ignoring small and medium enterprises.

Wang Qishan, a likely candidate for 18th Standing Committee
next year, advocates 1 trillion RMB economy stimulus.
Obviously, Wang hopes to use a rising trend in the economy
to meet the next year’s 18th Congress Meeting.
Spreading money is the most rapid and effective way
to boost the economy.

Li Keqiang has little doubt he will take over the
Prime Minister from Wen, and does not want to inherit a mess.
Li hopes that the current economic policy will not be loosen,
but the economic structure to be adjusted by regulations.
It is expected the real estate control in the hands of Li
will become a long-term policy.

Overseas experts said, Chinese government’ economic policy
in 2012, has little effect on China’s current economic crisis.
China economist Alistair Thornton from Global Insight said,
China has a long way to go to get its inflation under control.

NTD reporters Lin Li, Xu Wen and Xiao Yu
