【禁闻】罔顾王治文脑血栓 中共强送洗脑班














采访/田净 编辑/黄亿美 后制/建铭

Regime Continues to Persecute Wang Zhiwen Despite His Illness

Falun Gong practitioner, Wang Zhiwen, was directly transferred to the brainwashing center in Changping District of Beijing after being illegally detained in prison for 15 years. Wang Zhiwen’s relatives who picked up Wang from the jail described his health as really bad. As he had just suffered from cerebral thrombosis late September. The day before he was forced to the brainwashing center, he was taking I.V.in the hospital.

Wang Zhiwen, an engineer, was one of the main Falun Gong practice site coordinators in Beijing. He was one of the practitioners who spoke to then Premier Zhu Rongji on April 25, 1999 when Falun Gong practitioners went on a peace petition at Zhongnanhai, the central headquarters for the Chinese Communist Party. Wang Zhiwen was illegally arrested from home on July 20. Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court sentenced him to 16 years imprisonment without public trial. Since then, he was illegally detained in Beijing.

After 15 years of unjust imprisonment, Wang Zhiwen, was not ushered into true freedom, but was again sent to another persecution den.

Danielle Wang, Wang Zhiwen’s daughter residing in the US: “When I called, they told me not to be surprised that my father is going to the learning center. Wasn’t he released? Why do they disguise the persecution by sending him to another place for brainwashing?"

The so-called learning center is a forced brainwashing center. On his way to the center, Danielle had a chance to talk to her father with her aunt’s help. That was the first time Danielle heard her father’s voice in 15 years. She asked her father if his health is ok. Wang answered he’s okay today. But, in fact, his family is very worried about his health situation.

Danielle Wang: “In fact, he suffered from cerebral thrombosis in late September. He had been on I.V. for about two weeks until the day before he was released from the prison. On the release day, he was directly sent to the brainwashing center."

Danielle Wang indicated that she could not accept this fact, “Why was father out of the hospital just a day before he was out of the jail?"

Relatives described the torture Wang Zhiwen went through when he was in the prison: locked in a small room with a handcuff of 28 kg and leg irons, prolonged sleep deprivation, collarbone broken from beatings, teeth knocked out. Danielle Wang said, she has been looking forward to get her father’s message, but each message has been heartbroken to her.

Danielle Wang: “All news about him has been sad to me. I have hoped so much to get some good news about him, but…"

October 19, The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), released announcement to the persons who are responsible for the persecution of Wang Zhiwen: The WOIPFG will continue to investigate the units and personnel involved and responsible for the persecution of Wang Zhiwen. The WOIPFG will also continue investigation on all brainwashing centers in the regime.

WOIPFG spokesman Wang Zhiyuan: “After being illegally detained for more than 10 years, he was released from prison but directly sent to the brainwashing center. This reflects the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is still so serious."

Incomplete data shows there are 449 brainwashing centers in 329 areas of 173 Chinese cities. At least 365 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death in these centers in 2013. Just in the second half of 2013, 1,044 Falun Gong practitioners have been kidnapped and put into brainwashing centers.

Since July 1999, the Beijing public security, procuratorial, judicial, and 610 Office have conducted genocide towards Falun Gong practitioners. The judicial system has publicly deprived the people of the right to believe, conducted illegal arrest, detention, torture, trial and sentencing of the innocent, and caused injury, disability and death to massive numbers Falun Gong practitioners.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/JianMing
