





Jan. 23, Friday
Quit CCP Announcements

During all the movements launched by the CCP,
many people in the mainstream of Chinese society
have been subjected to persecution.

What lessons have today’s younger generations learned
from the older generations who have experienced
those movements?

Let’s look at the announcements selection today.

Mr. Deng and two others from Guangzhou wrote:

Mr. Cheng’uncle said: Do anything you‘d like,
but just do not believe the Communist Party.

Deng’s father had been hunted by the CCP due to
political reasons dozens of years ago.
Even in sleep, he had to make sure there’s a hole
on the roof top when he needed to escape.
This evil party has been extremely aggressive to him.

After witnessing the ever so exposed evil nature of the CCP,
from our hearts, we reject, deny, and are disgusted at the CCP
for its words and acts.

We are willing to cut clean from the CCP.

Zhao Xinghua from Shaanxi Province stated:
I know that atheism is something evil to human beings.
I now renounce the Young Pioneers.
The Falun Gong is too merciful. Thanks to the Falun Gong.
