




李旺陽生前衣物 贈香港六四紀念館



胡錫進炮轟茅于軾 誤中江澤民






廣西警民衝突持續三天 一人死亡



沙田鎮村為抗議官商勾結破壞生態環境、霸佔碼頭,幾百名村民6月1號堵路抗議,當局出動了數百軍警和邊防警鎮壓, 造成100多村民受傷。



Activities To Commemorate June 4

Before the 24th anniversary of June 4 event, Hu Jia,
a dissident in Beijing called on people through microblog
to wear black T-shirts on Tuesday, or light a candle
at home on Monday evening to commemorate June 4.

At the same time, Guangzhou activist Ai Xiaoming
launched a campaign to commemorate June 4.
Activities called netizens to take a photograph
dressed in black, and send to an online album.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still refused to
re-evaluate June 4 incident, and did not mourn June 4 victims.
However, the spread of social media networks means
they cannot fully control information about June 4.

Li Wangyang’s Clothes Sent to Hong Kong

Li Wangling, sister of Li Wangyang,
a June 4 victim from Shaoyang, Hunan Province,
gave two of Li’s outfits to a trusted agent,
to be donated to Hong Kong June 4 Memorial Museum,
in thanks of Hong Kong peoples’ support to Li Wangyang.

Li Wangyang died mysteriously last June 6 and
it’s about one year since his death.
His tombstone was finally set up in a big mountain cemetery
in Shaoyang, April 2013 after obstruction by the authorities.
There have however been police guards stationed there.

Some netizens called on June 6 of Li Wangyang’s death,
to pass the checkpoints to worship him.

Hu Xijin Attacked Online

On June 3, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of Global Times,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece media,
posted on his personal microblog accusing some of the
so-called old people of having too many appearances.
“It is likely to be used as a gun by real politics.
Need self-respect." He said.

Hu said in the post, “If one’s age is too advanced,
he should retire, which is the same in the intellectuals.
Some occasional appearance holding the platform is understood,
but in the seventies or eighties, not to go to the front."

It is generally considered Hu’s posts “old people in seventies
or eighties" allude to a right-wing economist Mao Yushi.
Many netizens see in the comments that Hu was criticizing
existing “elderly people interfering in politics",
and is lashing Jiang Zemin, who had retired but is still active.

Hu Xijin later on modified subsequent posts,
claiming that they are “old intellectuals".
However, this posts against dissidents involving Jiang Zemin
were forwarded repeatedly, saying he was “flattering wrongly."

However, some netizens think Hu Xijin is a savvy veteran,
not committing such a stupid mistake to harm others wrongly.
Hu Xijin is actually criticizing Jiang Zemin, and
then later on pretended to modify it.

Police Conflicts With People In Guangxi

In Shatian Township, Hepu County, Beihai, Guangxi,
conflicts between police and villagers broke out on June 1.
It has lasted three days. According to local villagers,

dozens of villagers are seriously injured,
and a junior high school student was killed.

Villager Andi in Shatian told New Tang Dynasty
television network on June 3
there are currently more than 2,000 armed police
stationed on site, who are still dismantling houses, arresting and beating villagers.

Shatian villagers are protesting at collusion of
officials and businessmen in destruction of ecological environment and occupation of the pier.
Hundreds of villagers blocked the roads
on June 1 to protest.
The authorities sent hundreds of police and border police to
repress them, resulting in over 100 villagers injured.

Currently, there is no Internet access in Shatian Township,
and the villagers can only contact the outside world via cell phone.
In End of the World Forum and Sina microblog, relevant
posts also continued to be monitored and deleted.
