












採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/蕭宇

Chinese Regime Designed False Impression of Lifting Censorship on
June 4th Anniversary

The June fourth anniversary is approaching.

Sources have said that the Chinese regime is tweaking
its censorship mechanism on the Internet.
When netizens search sensitive words ie.
“June 4th incident”,
this won’t be simply rejected anymore,
but will give several carefully selected results.
Outsiders have analyzed that the authorities
have designed on line censorship to be more tricky,
so as to give the false impression
that key words are no longer censored.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party gives the
selected search results, thus misleading the public.

On May 31, some changes had been made to the searches
for key sensitive words online in Mainland China.
For example, to search the massacre of Tiananmen
students in the protest on June 4, 1989,
Baidu search engine will now display some results,
instead of not displaying any at all.
In the past, to search any sensitive word would
display a message but no search results:
“According to related laws, regulations and policies,
search results for “the blocked keyword” can’t be displayed.”

Radio France Internationale Chinese website reported
that experts from GreatFire.org, a company that study the CCP’s
online censorship, analyzed that,
on the surface, some sensitive words had been cleared,
but search results were carefully displayed.
Experts said that these tactics were likely the
Beijing authorities’ new censorship test.
The authorities are trying to develop their ability to
control the Internet more sophisticatedly.

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer, told NTD that
the CCP constantly censors on the Internet.
However, more and more netizens use software or
different keywords to avoid the censorship, thus
the CCP has to invest larger manpower and
funds to improve its online control technology.

Hua Po: “The CCP is the loser in online public opinion.
And is constantly defeated by rising criticisms on blogs.
This has given the authorities a headache.

Now is a sensitive time – the June 4th anniversary,
thus, the CCP is strengthening it’s Internet control.”

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Freedom of
Information Network said that
what the CCP has done is to save its dictatorship
from collapse. It is trying to cover up the truth.

Zhang Xinyu: “Regarding the CCP’s so-called
changes or blockage on network community,
it is afraid that the truth of Tiananmen,
or the persecution of Falun Gong will be exposed.”

On May 31, the US Department of State made a statement
on the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protest.
They have urged the CCP to end the persecution of
the participants in the protest of June 4th, 1989;
and to respect universal human rights.

The statement said: “We renew our call for the Chinese
regime to end harassment of those who participated in the
protests and to fully account for those killed,
detained, or missing.
We renew our call for the Chinese government
to protect the universal human rights of all its citizens;
to release those who have been wrongly detained, prosecuted,
incarcerated, forcibly disappeared, or placed under house arrest;
and to end the ongoing harassment of human rights
activists and their families.”

Very quickly, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman
Hong Lei responded to the US:
“stop interfering in China’s internal affairs,
and do not sabotage Sino-US relations.”
Hong Lei claimed that China had already reached a
“clear conclusion” about the Tiananmen Square protests.

Zhang Jian, US-based China Social Affairs expert:
“Now, there are many petitioners in front of United Nations.
Why do they go there?

This has shown that the problems can’t be solved in
China, and that they will need other countries’ help.
the Chinese also protest openly on the White House
petition website, they use all means of expression.
Why can people not make their voice heard in China?
I hope the CCP foreign ministry will think about this.”

Zhang Jian also said that after the June 4th massacre,
China’s state council spokesman, Yuan Mu claimed that
no one died in the Tiananmen Square incident.

Zhang Jian has said that the Chinese regime uses more
and more advanced methods to control the Internet,
so as to confuse the public, and to carry on brainwashing.

But there are too many sensitive words to be filtered out,
as netizens’ ability of tackling the CCP’ s methods improve,
the CCP control of the Internet is more difficult,
this means that more and more Chinese people will recognize
the evil nature of the CCP for what it is.
