






Thursday, November 13
Quit CCP Update

On Nov. 12, a total of 110,284 people have quit the Chinese
Communist Party and its associated organizations,
the number continues to grow on Nov. 13.

Let’s look at two announcements on Nov. 12.

Chen Lin, China:
My friend, visited Taiwan recently, said their government
and police protect the public demonstration,
while in today’s China, those who tell the truth will be arrested
and detained.

Since its establishment, the Communist Party has blindly
engaged in political movements and endless persecution—

the Three-anti Campaign, the Five-anti campaign, the land reform,
Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Deng’s June 4 Massacre,
and then the vindication.

Jiang’s persecution campaign against Falun Gong from several
years ago has tortured many to death.

I know they are the good people who practice Truthfulness,
Compassion and Tolerance.

In mainland, it is exactly because the truthful, compassionate
and tolerant beings are missing, the evil CCP has created
complete pandemonium and a chaotic society.

I know the days of the CCP are numbered.

I negate the evil vow I gave for I was deceived.

I declare that I denounce the Communist Youth League
and the Young Pioneers of China.

I choose a peaceful and healthy future.

Shi Chenchen on behalf of 5 people from Jiuquan, Gansu Province:

Quit the CCP organization, return to kindness, morality
and conscience, follow feudal ethics.

This is a choice for a better future.

This is a choice of wisdom and no regrets!
