【禁聞】葛特曼:器官摘取 北京高層全知情


【新唐人2014年08月19日訊】美國資深中國問題專家伊森•葛特曼(Ethan Gutmman)在新書《屠殺》中披露,器官摘取已成為北京處決政治犯的一種新形式,而且中共高層對此全都知情。其實對於他獨立調查出的這一結果,不少中國人早有耳聞。關心中國民主事業的人士認為:活摘器官這種事情能夠發生,與中共這個極權專制體制有關。請看詳細報導。













採訪編輯/唐音 後製/周天

Beijing’s Top Leaders All Know The New Way to

Execute Political Prisoners.

US senior China expert Ethan Gutmann exposes in his new

book “The Slaughter” that organ harvesting has become a

new way to execute political prisoners from Beijing, with

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders all aware of this.

In fact, many Chinese people have already heard about

the results from his independent investigation.

People who are concerned about democracy in China

believe organ harvesting does happen.

It is related to the totalitarian CCP regime.

Please see the detailed report.

Gutmann spent five years researching for the book.

He interviewed former senior CCP officers, doctors involved

in removal of human organs, and Falun Gong practitioners.

He recently published the results of an independent

investigation in “The Slaughter”.

He confirmed “From the political prisoners, especially Falun

Gong practitioners, such a large-scale massacre – organ

harvesting -not only exists, but also continues."

The earliest organ harvesting case in Gutmann’s investigation

was an organ taken from an Uighur for a CCP senior official.

Other victims of organ harvesting include Tibetans,

Mongolians and others.

Guttman pointed out that after 1999, many healthy Falun

Gong practitioners became the CCP’s next “targets".

In the investigation, he learned that many Falun Gong

practitioners are tortured and abused.

Then they are forced to have mandatory blood tests.

One of the China Democracy Party founders Chen Zhonghe

said, “this is not a personal act.

It is the autocratic behavior of the Communist regime.

In this CCP authoritarian regime, everything is self-centered

and above all; people’s lives and human rights are neglected.

It (CCP) never treats the people as a human beings, instead it

uses them as its tools in whatever aspect."

Chen Zhonghe, co-founder of the China Democracy Party,

was arrested by the CCP and jailed for seven years.

Chen was “guilty” of promoting democracy in China.

Chen Zhonghe, “when I was in the detention center, a young

man was executed by firing squad for his organs.

Organ harvesting is very common and started a long time ago.

I worked in Wugang hospital and every time someone was

executed by firing squad, they would go to take the organs."

The available information from Gutmann shows that almost

all organ removals are performed in military hospitals.

The armed police and the military hospitals competed for

this business.

The competition was so bad that the courts had to step

in to mediate.

Gutmann said: “At the highest level, they for sure know."

Investigators from the International Organization to

Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong directly called

the CCP Politburo Standing Committee and asked about the

situation of human organ harvesting.

Li Changchun, the Politburo Standing Committee member

immediately replied, “you should ask Zhou Yongkang".

“Zhou Yongkang is responsible for this thing."

Around 10 years ago, mainland social activist Hu Jia learned

from a military hospital doctor friend that military hospitals

are harvesting organs from living persons.

Mainland social activist Hu Jia, “I now one hundred percent

believe in the existence of organ harvesting.

In the system of this country, people are not treated as


I need to survive so I live at all costs with no morals.

Chinese society is divided into two types by the CCP,

one type is the flunkey to protect their ruling status.

Most of the people, about 1.3 billion, are the second type;

slaves whose lives are worthless."

It was in 2006 that for the first time witness appeared and

confirmed the CCP harvesting organs from living Faun Gong

practitioners in the international community. This fact was

spread to the Chinese folk through various channels.

It made many people chose to quit Chinese communist

organizations such as CCP, youth league and young pioneers.

Overseas human rights organizations called for the Chinese

Communist officials Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang

who lead the organ harvesting on trial that they are against


The US Parliament passed the resolution, “Calls on China (PRC)

to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners, and

particularly from Falun Gong prisoners of conscience and

members of other religious and ethnic minority groups."

Chen Zhonghe, “if they realize this evil within the CCP, there

will be China’s Gorbachev.

He will announce the Chinese Communist Party is a “cult".

Then expose its crimes and put pressure on it, and finally if

it still is unrepentant, the only way to go is to overthrow it."

Gutmann estimates that from 2000 to 2008, at least 60,500

Falun Gong practitioners were killed by organ harvesting.

He also concludes that China’s labor camps and prison system

have “500,000 – 1 million Falun Gong practitioners".

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/ZhouTian
