


10月15號,《明慧網》將三名大陸醫務工作者的親身口述經歷,整理成篇,登出「重拾生命的尊嚴 重拾醫者仁心」的文章。








原上海市靜安區中心醫院外科醫生 黃薄:「中共統治,破壞了一切人們的正信,原先中國人是很相信三尺頭上有神靈,相信善有善報,惡有惡報這些因果報應的事情,所以不會去做這樣的事情。但是今天這個中國呢,共產黨為了維護它的統治,讓人只相信錢,毀壞了人的一切信仰。」






採訪編輯/常春 後製/陳建銘

Mainland doctors witness organ harvesting

The CCP has tried to conceal their terrible crime –

forced organ harvesting from living people.

More and more truths are being revealed.

Recently, three medical workers disclosed, via the Internet,

their personal experience with live organ harvesting in Mainland.

They hope their medical colleagues not be deceived

by the CCP’s brainwashing education.

They also hope Chinese people choose conscience and justice.

On October 15, Minghui posted an article about three medical

workers’ personal experience in Mainland.

The article title is, “regain the dignity of life,

regain doctor’s benevolence.”

One of the well-known medical workers said she witnessed

the organ harvesting process from an executed criminal in Mainland.

The executed criminal was about 20 years old.

His left leg was still twitching when doctors cut open

his chest.

The esophagus tissue was warm and soft with some blood

when it was taken out.

Finally, a man with a police uniform took some

of the victim’s blood in both his hands.

He spread the blood to the executed prisoner’s face to create

the illusion that when he was executed,

blood splattered on the face.

Another witness was working at one of Mainland’s famous

three hospitals.

He said that organ harvesting from living people has been

an open secret in Mainland.

He said that anesthetists shot prisoners with a tranquilizer gun,

or gave an anesthesia injection first.

When everything was ready, a different department’s skilled

physicians began to pick out the cornea, take the kidney,

and cut the skin.

People were like the meat on the butcher’s board to be cut

by doctors.

After surgery, the bailiff fired two shots immediately to create

the illusion the prisoner was executed by a firing squad.

These witnesses felt so sad when they recalled the scene,

since they took rescuing the dying as their own duties.

It’s so sad that the behavior of disrespecting life

can be easily accepted by medical professionals.

Xing Tianhang: “It is consistent for the Communist Party

to educate the people that you can arbitrarily kill others

if they are enemies.

With this long term kind of brainwashing, Chinese people

will lost their conscience and morality.”

The third witness was working at a well-known kidney

transplant hospital in Mainland.

His teacher is a well-known leader in the field of kidney


In the first years of overseas media exposing the CCP’s organ

harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners, this teacher

was very against Falun Gong.

He was arrogant, saying, “I am not afraid of retribution.”

But soon, he died of cancer; his daughter was diagnosed

with cancer and his wife couldn’t move due to joint disease.

Many people from the hospital said he received retribution.

Former Shanghai Jing’an District Central Hospital surgeon

Huang Bo: “The CCP’s rule destroyed people’s positive beliefs.

Before, people believed in retribution such as ‘there are gods

three feet above head,’ ‘what goes around comes around,’

so they would not act like this.

In today’s China, the Communist Party makes people believe

that money is everything and they destroy all people’s beliefs.”

The author of the article analyzes that the CCP has been

vigorously engaged in a variety of movements to persecute

people, confuse people’s judgment, and continues to instill

vicious and distorted ideas after its establishment.

It completely shattered people’s awareness for respect of life,

and again and again broke down people’s moral bottom line.

The article said that live organ harvesting prevailed for

decades in China just because people could tolerate evil repeatedly.

The official death row was comprised of the initial

condemned criminals to Falun Gong practitioners, activists, and dissidents.

The black market donor source relies on swindling

and killing to obtain.

They are threatening all ordinary families.

The Chinese Communist Party attempts to conceal the truth

of organ harvesting from live people.

Now, more and more living truths are disclosed.

Canada’s international human rights lawyer David Matas

and former director of the Asia Pacific Division

of the Federal, David Kilgour, proved that the CCP’s

organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners

is taking place based on a lot of investigation.

They published a large amount of data.

In addition, the international organization “World

Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

(WOIPFG)," headquartered in the US, recently compiled

an album of investigated and collected evidence, including

audio content, entitled, “CCP organ harvesting from live

Falun Gong practitioners”.

The content fully confirms that the CCP has been

participating in organ harvesting for long time.
